Just a few shots of my route
6 months now in building, no end in sight
I am going to pick some parts out and put them up as stand alone
units, then add a board each end with portals so it can be used
then as each unit is published you just delete the boards with the portals at the relevent ends and merge them togeather,
will just be a case of jioning the track ends up and maybe a bit of smoothing at baseboard joints,
will put more up later
its now back to Gmax
12Ton 3 plank open wagon on the press ( I Hope )
recived the drawings this morning, been at it all day
6 months now in building, no end in sight

I am going to pick some parts out and put them up as stand alone
units, then add a board each end with portals so it can be used
then as each unit is published you just delete the boards with the portals at the relevent ends and merge them togeather,
will just be a case of jioning the track ends up and maybe a bit of smoothing at baseboard joints,

will put more up later
its now back to Gmax
12Ton 3 plank open wagon on the press ( I Hope )
recived the drawings this morning, been at it all day
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