

New member

I have recently downloaded one or two routes but unfortunately they do not appear in my list under the "Driver" part of my 2004 programme.

I have checked the folder entitled "Despatcher" and they appear there as a file but somehow they have not activated so that I can use them in the Driver section of Trainz 2004.

I am sure there is a simple thing that I have failed to do and I would appreciate any help to resolve this problem.

AS I am aged 75 years please make everything simple as I am not that conversant with the various terminology used in this programme.

My thanks in advance

Barry (UK)
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Hi Barry this is because they do not have "sessions" the easiest way to do this is to go into survayor and place a train on the tracks and save then It should show up in driver.
Hi Mike,

Many thanks for your very quick reply but unfortunately I have just been into "Surveyor" and the downloads do not appear there either.


Hi Barry this is because they do not have "sessions" the easiest way to do this is to go into survayor and place a train on the tracks and save then It should show up in driver.

Hi Mike,

I have tried as you suggest but the downloads do no appear in the "Surveyor" either. Thanks for the very quick reply


Hmm,thats odd do you have SP1 installed? If not you may need it because people who made the routes in SP1(meaning it can only be used in SP1), another possible thing is that you might be missing a lot of the routes dependancies.
Could you tell me what routes they are supposed to be and the kuid#. If you tell me maybe I'll download them myself and check it out here,if it works for me I'll have a friend download them and then he'll try them.
Sorry I replied so late,lots of things to do today.
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Hi Mike,

The routes that I have downloaded and as I said are in files in the folder entitled "Despatcher" are as follows:-

GWR Bristol 78581:100614
River Railroad 56732:120805
Canada 1930 129486:1802818
Sarn4T Belair-Mt Lofty V1 207998:3602
NS Reading Line DLS 115479:104780

Once again many thanks for your help.

Best wishes

Hi Mike,

Just a short note to let you know that all the routes I have advised you about have now appeared in "Surveyor" and I have placed a train in each one and they are now operating in the "Driver" section.

I don't know what I have done - it is a complete mystery to me but all the same many thanks for your help and advice/

Best wishes

Hmm,thats odd do you have SP1 installed? If not you may need it because people who made the routes in SP1(meaning it can only be used in SP1), another possible thing is that you might be missing a lot of the routes dependancies.
Could you tell me what routes they are supposed to be and the kuid#. If you tell me maybe I'll download them myself and check it out here,if it works for me I'll have a friend download them and then he'll try them.
Sorry I replied so late,lots of things to do today.

He's running 2004.


SP4 is the only downloadable patch for 04 and the other thing is that later copies of 04 came with SP4 either as a patch on the CD or already part of the game.

Maybe all that needed to happen was for the dispatcher.chump to be rebuilt. this occasionally needs to be rebuilt in order for stuff to appear or to be changed as I found out when developing Tractive Effort files.


Can someone explain to me how to search properly for these routes? I have lousy rotten luck with cmp. I searched for every one of the routes that thybar listed and got the message no items to display on ALL of them.

Can someone explain to me how to search properly for these routes? I have lousy rotten luck with cmp. I searched for every one of the routes that thybar listed and got the message no items to display on ALL of them.


Do the search with the full kuid. Be sure to check the radio button for KUID and the checkbox for TRS2004. I just now found the first one - it was uploaded/approved on May 29th.
Yeah, thats the right answer. :D

Open CMP

In the search panel select location - local
hit the plus button
select name and type 'GWR Bristol'
and the layout will appear in the main window
drag it to the download helper and hit start.
It will download the layout and all dependencies.