I've just tried it and the page is unavailable at the moment. It was working about 3 hours ago, so maybe it is just temporary......Put another shilling in the meter...
I'll wait for the DLS to come back up. You have to consider that Auran has been away since before Christmas and this is the first time that it's been down. I remember when it would get bad every weekend while they were away.
I think the DLS, like any server has eyes and knows when no one is around. I've always had servers die when I'm on vacation. For some reason when I'm in the office, and don't even do anything with them, except back them up, they work fine but as soon as I go away... all hell breaks loose with failed hard drives, random reboots, etc!
Hi everyone,
I've been trying off and on over the last 6 weeks to download anything.
I keep getting the 'idle' thing everytime I try, despite a years first class ticket. I've simply given up and at the stage where I don't care.
I know there's been holidays and other things involved, but have stopped trying as it's a waste of my time.
All the best for 2008 to you all......................
Do you download thru CMP ( if you have TRS2006 of course ), or do you actually go onto Auran's download station page directly to search for your goodies ???
Hi there,
and many thanks for your speedy response. Unfortuately, or not, I am a Trainz 2004 through and through and have never tried to move on as I am still enjoying and trying to come to terms with 2004. I have always tried to resist forced upgrades and feel everyone should fully try out and investigates the technology they have first before moving on. My opinion totally.
Good luck to all you guys.
I am a moderator on some other sites and so realise how difficult it can be sometimes to keep everyone happy - a balancing act on occasions.............
If anyone can give me some advice, despite me being a veteran, on how to maximise my first class ticket, I would be extremely happy.
I know some members have said, buy two first class tickets to keep Auran affloat etc. etc................ I'd be quite happy to finance a second ticket if my first one worked.......you know what I mean.......
Hi Ian - Run TrainzHelper.exe, located at "C:\Program Files\Auran\Trs2004\Bin\TrainzHelper.exe". Re-enter your username and password and Save. Do it manually, don't let Windows autofill the spaces for you.
If that doesn't work, log out of the DLS and Auran forums. Wait a few minutes to be certain the servers note your absence, then log back in.
If THAT didn't work either, reset your password in your Forum profile. You don't need to change it, just re-enter it. Again - do it manually, don't autofill.
One or other of those always cures the 'Idle' for me...