Download speed of patches, hotfixes, and updates appear slow even with an FCT active


New member
I would like to know why the download speed of patches, hotfixes, and updates are the same speed regardless of whether you have a FCT active or not. I just reinstalled TANE and noticed it was taking a very long time to download in order to go from the base version of my DVD 74702 to the latest autoupdate of 78667. I aborted it when I realize that I did not have an active FCT. I then went into my account and activated an FCT. Got out completely and came back in to make sure it was in fact active and then restarted the installation again. It appeared to run no faster than before. I do know that getting content from the Download Station is definitely faster with an active FCT but I would have thought that the same activation would apply to the actual installation and updates. Is this not the case, if so shouldn't it be considered?
An active FCT is not required for patching, and what you are seeing is the slow server and connection where the patches are stored.

This patch takes a lot of time to download and install. It's over 8gb including HF2. When installing, the patch may appear to do nothing when it really is in the background. Once installed run a database repair.
