Don't Play With Trains...

Are you trying to scare us all to death?:hehe:

Seriously, this is important, and I'm sure we will all take a lot more notice of the train crossings now, not that we have that many in the UK.
But thats one of the problems. Thres not many in the uk so when people come across one they don't see much danger as they are rare in the uk
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But thats one of the problems. Thres not many in the uk so when people come across one they don't see much danger as they are rare in the uk

Rare? There are five within a 2-mile radius of where I live, two auto and three manned, all on the same line (the road wiggles back and forth across it) :D
We had a guy near my town (Riverside, NJ) struck down and killed by a light-rail unit, I think he fell on the tracks or got stuck in them.
Not actually nearly as unlikely as you might think. Just the sheer impact, whether it's a loco hitting a sports car or hitting a semi, could cause the wheels to come off the tracks. Probably not a huge catastrophic derailment, but a derailment nonetheless. Don't forget, over here in the US the flanges are only one inch deep!

We had the Ufton Nervet derailment in my County - car stopped on the crossing and the train just ploughed into it at 70mph+

The inquest suggests that the guy was trying to commit suicide, however there were other fatalities and injuries.

There's not a lot you can do to stop a train quickly.

The Double Whammy accident.. SUV Gets hit by 2 trains.(No Joke)

Well if you want perhaps one of the most horrifying accidents ever caught on CCTV video tape I think this one qualifies. In Hammond Indiana, a woman is in an Sport Utility Vehicle with her 4 kids, and she's racing to beat a eastbound CSX train to the crossing. But what she doesn't see is the westbound CSX train on the opposing track that slams into her vehicle which then pushes it into the path of the oncoming westbound freight.. what I call "The Double Whammy". Two of the 4 kids were killed the other two injured.. and Mom got left in Critical condition:

Are you trying to scare us all to death?:hehe:

Seriously, this is important, and I'm sure we will all take a lot more notice of the train crossings now, not that we have that many in the UK.

lol, part of the point is to scare you. Trains can't hurt you if you don' let them. They almosy certainly will i you do.