Does everybody know about cyberstorm's water???


narrow gauge fanatic
This stuff is fantastic!!!:eek: I'm using it on my route and had to let everybody know he has added more.:cool:

He has a demo and I recommend it highly.:udrool:

You'll love his stuff...

Great job for the community, cyberstorm.:clap::Y:

The Youngster,
He's gone, do a member search, and his profile says he's gone, and his webpage is unavalible. Fortunalty, his stuff is on the DLS.
The last time I contacted Cyberstorm he was so fed up some of the comments and negative feelings on the forums that he was taking a break. I agree with him, there are some very unthoughtful people on here who spend all day long asking when will it be ready? Will it be freeware? Will it have.... etc. Please be grateful and take a little time to thank content creators for what they do.

Yes I Can

IT. Now, hows about some kuid #s for that water?:D I've been looking for better water than came with the sim. And I know cyberstorm's work, and he is good. And I agree. Creator's here don't often get the credit they so rightfully deserve. So, all of you creator's, excellent jobs, and I for one do appreciate your efforts.
In the old days:)

We had on the forum a place to rate how we liked the contents that we downloaded and at least the creators did get some recognition and praise for all of the work they did. Now we are are to busy and demanding of the guys that are doing all the FREE work for our enjoyment!

Do you mean the white water?

I love it too, got it on my version of Hungry Horse Timber thats still sitting on my drive, will get back to it one day I guess....

@ Cactushead,
Hey, just type, (copy & paste), cyberstorm into the search thingy and DL that demo he has. It'll give you all his water.:Y: (trust me, you won't be sorry.);) This is some good stuff. You can delete the demo later after you're done gawkin' at it.

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