Crazy Train Engineer
UPS Survived.. that time. Sorry to say they are meant to die. A good storm rolled thru a while back and took out a cheap wall extension/surge protector that had some hardware devices plugged. I have always used 2 of these cheaper extension/surge protectors and plug them into my UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). 1 on the surge side and 1 on battery/surge side. I make sure all things connected don't surpass the wattage UPS can take on battery or prioritize what does and what doesn't. Anything else not needing battery gets plugged into UPS Surge side. Anyway I tested the ole CyberPower UPS and it had survived. Grabbed another wall extension/surge protector and plugged into wall and then the UPS and off things went. Nothing computer/hardware related was damaged. Got me to thinking today as another small storm rolled thru..
Do you use a UPS and/or other.. what I call.. "1st to Go" surge protection methods? Do you use software to check the status of your UPS on a regular basis? Not recommended..Yes I have done.. Unplug? Hey it was 3 am.. half asleep and it was doing what it was supposed to do.. Warn/Beep. Do you just replace your UPS(s) on say a 3/5yr cycle?
Do you use a UPS and/or other.. what I call.. "1st to Go" surge protection methods? Do you use software to check the status of your UPS on a regular basis? Not recommended..Yes I have done.. Unplug? Hey it was 3 am.. half asleep and it was doing what it was supposed to do.. Warn/Beep. Do you just replace your UPS(s) on say a 3/5yr cycle?