DLS Down??


Active member
Are the DLS Black Pages working today for anyone? I'm getting Page Cannot Be Displayed messages. I can get to the DLS and select an item. But, when I click Download that is when I get the message. I was able to DL one item earlier this morning.
I think so but I don't really know. Here is what is happening. My black pages are set to display 10 items per page. I can DL Item 10 on Page1 and all items from page 2 on back. Item 10 (Liberty Place by RRSignal) and some on Page 2 were put out there today (24 Apr 15). The 1st 9 items on Page 1 all give me the "Page Cannot be Displayed" message. There are 6 items by dholborn and/or shalborn (both names are listed as the creator on at least 1 item). Example item is CUK-1 Man Tent (kuid2:596758:30544:1). There is 1 item by dragonharh (DPR Prototype Switcher, kuid2:375451:100029:3), 1 item from Dinarius Redundicus (Derlict Water Tank 02, kuid2:68213:28004:3), & 1 item by trainfancaleb (Interior for Birmingham Southern GP38-2, kuid:488861:100119). I suspect something has screwed up on the DLS.
There is something amiss here as you've noticed. I attempted to download some updated assets today 4 actually, which came up red in the download queue. This has been an ongoing issue which resolved its self the other day, but it looks like that issue is now a permanent one. Hopefully N3V can take a look at the server and give it a poke in the ribs.

There is something amiss here as you've noticed. I attempted to download some updated assets today 4 actually, which came up red in the download queue. This has been an ongoing issue which resolved its self the other day, but it looks like that issue is now a permanent one. Hopefully N3V can take a look at the server and give it a poke in the ribs.


Still having this problem today in both SP 1 and TANE.
I don't have this problem today either. They fixed something yesterday.

Edit: I was able to DL assets with 25Apr15 date yesterday. However, as of 26Apr15 the DLS is dead (useless) to me since there are no further assets that can be downloaded without a TS12, SP1 or TANE license. So much for Trainz.
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I don't have this problem today either. They fixed something yesterday.

Same here... but now I have a bunch of built-ins needing update and 38K assets needing validation. Something is broken somewhere.

So much for using Trainz, again.
