Diverging signals


New member
I am using Trainz Version 1.3. What does signal divergence mean and why is it necessary? If I set the track lever in any direction the signal is supposed to show the condition of the track in that direction. So what is special about a diverging signal?

Also there is a track device call Trip Switch. What does it do and how do you use it? The manual does not explain.
The purpose of a diverging signal is to inform the driver that the points ahead have been set to take her/his train off the main line - to a branch, passing loop or siding. You are correct in that the signal will show the condition of the track in the direction the points are set. However, in all but high speed junctions, the diverging track will have a speed restriction that the driver must obey while the train negotiates the junction.

Railway terms such as "trip switch" can have different meanings or different labels between countries. It could mean "catch points" (local terminology here) or a "derail line" which are points on one rail only placed just before a set of points that join a siding to a main line. It is designed to derail a train or any loose shunted wagon before it reaches the junction and causes a collision with a train using the main line. The train/wagon is derailed in such a way that it will not foul the main running line.

I have seen a catch point perform this operation very successfully on a loose shunted wagon that got away from the shunting loco.

Peter Ware
The overall logic behind these aspects is that the higher the green light the more favorable the route. Green over Red over Red would be the best route and Red over Red over Green would be the most unfavorable route like going into a yard.
Thank you, Peter. I will try your suggestions later.

It is helpful to know the logic also. I never really understood the red over green. Like Hamlet I wondered: "To go or not to go, that is the question"!
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It`s much easier for us in the UK :)

A signal is either RED, which means STOP, DO NOT PASS.

or .................. YELLOW, which means CAUTION, SLOW DOWN.

or .................. GREEN, which means GO, WAY AHEAD CLEAR

When in doubt remember, its either all red, or not red at all. Meaning if you have red-red-green you may proceed on the third and slowest route(usually 15mph). The top signal is the highspeed/straight route, middle means diverging at medium speed (45-30mph) and the slow route (~15mph) also used for restricted proceed. If there is only a fast-slow route there will be a significant gap to show no medium route is available.

That was a synopsis, but heres a detailed explanation at http://www.alkrug.vcn.com/rrfacts/signals/signals.htm
Diverging versus feather

Hi all

I'm not sure if diverging signals are the same as feather signals - if they are not then my apologies for posting here - if they are then - help !!!
I am using 2004 and frantically trying to get my feather signals to work but no matter which way the points are set they steadfastly refuse to give the correct indication. I have tried using UK 3 aspect signals and also semaphore junction sigs all to no avail.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with my system it's my lack of knowledge I suspect !!

Hi all

I'm not sure if diverging signals are the same as feather signals - if they are not then my apologies for posting here - if they are then - help !!!
I am using 2004 and frantically trying to get my feather signals to work but no matter which way the points are set they steadfastly refuse to give the correct indication. I have tried using UK 3 aspect signals and also semaphore junction sigs all to no avail.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with my system it's my lack of knowledge I suspect !!


Hi Danny,
The only time I had trouble with the UK signal sets is when I placed the feather signal to close to the junction, The feathered lights failed to operate. I moved the signal a few more yards back from the junction and it worked perfectly.
Hope this helps
When you use the fairly basic Auran signals in TRS2004 - either colour light or semaphore - theres a fairly simple rule.The Signal needs to "see" a signal of some kind on the "branch" or the Feather or lower height arm will not work.If it sees no signal only the main lights or higher arm will work.For best working you need to set the Points to lie "normal" (as its called in the UK) for the main line (the busiest line.So if a Cab driven train approaches the points and he is heading for the main line, you don't have to alter the points.If you are heading for the branch you will "Reverse" the points (UK Terminology) and the signal will then see the signal on the branch and give you the correct arm or feather.For most purposes its useful to install a Signal Invisible on the branch.Hope this helps
And again here in Britain apart from the red, yellow and green you can also have 2 yellows indicating the next signal is at yellow and the following at red.