Disabling Content


New member
Just a couple of questions about disabling content.
If I disable content will It improve the overall performance of the game?
How much of an improvment will there be in the performance?
Will content that I have disabled still show up in routes which have already been constructed?
These replies are for TRS2004. TRS2006 is likely to be similar but might not be identical.
If I disable content will It improve the overall performance of the game?
If you disable a significant number of items the program will start more quickly. It won't affect performance once the program has started in my experience.
Will content that I have disabled still show up in routes which have already been constructed?
No. Everything needs to access its dependencies and sub-dependecies when it it used, as well as when it is constructed.

Grazza, disabling Content can be a double edged sword.I disabled a huge amount and when my PC everything was re-enabled so I had wasted my time...:(
I disabled a bunch of content including about half of the built in routes and most of the non-US trains. Trainz did seem to perform better overall.

If you want to disable content, but aren't sure if a route you like uses it simply right click on it in CMP and check the dependent assets. This will tell you what else depends on the content.
In 06, in CMP either hold the shift key for a block of assets, or the ctrl key for adding individuals and select. Then right click to disable all the selected.
It doesn't matter if a route uses content that you've disabled.
You can safely disable any amount of content, as all it does is disable them from appearing in the menus.
It doesn't stop routes or sessions from finding and using them, because they're still there.

Try it.
Make a baseboard layout with a station and a couple of trains, save it, go into CMP and disable the station asset and one of the locos, go back into TRS and run the session.
Works fine. :)

As for whether it performs better, I would imagine that if you disabled a lot of content, then the menus in Surveyor would perform better because there's a lot less caching to do when displaying the assets.
I doubt you'd see any difference in Driver though, as it only loads what it has to anyway.

One thing's for sure.
Best thing I ever did was to disable 90% of the built-in Routes/Sessions/Scenarios. :D:D:D

I don't delete any of the content though, as there's some really useful stuff in there that you won't know about until you take the time to explore it all.
