Destination Blind


Just a quick question, If I go to Edit session, and add the rule DestSignTable, I've found I can add my stations to the list. No problem so far. I have chosen a train with a Destination blind (BR Class 313 DMSO Blue & Grey). in the properties for the destination blind a totally different list of destinations come up and I can't add my stations.

So I thought I'd use the drive rule in driver set up, so I added Change Dest Sign, and it gave me the chose of picking my station names. Did all that went to quick drive, and my station names not showing.

Any ideas on how to get my station names in the list for the train?

Many Thanks

There are basically two types of destination signs:
1 - using text effects, displaying anything, which fits the size of the display
2 - using texture-replacement, displaying only the destinations defined in the texture-group used.

There are basically two types of destination signs:
1 - using text effects, displaying anything, which fits the size of the display
2 - using texture-replacement, displaying only the destinations defined in the texture-group used.


Any idea how I get to the texture group?

Thank you for the replies. I looked at the how to, played around and thought I'd leave it for another time. It kept asking me to save the changes to the dls. So gave up.

If it's the <kuid2:343177:313001:1> BR Class 313 DMSO Blue & grey, it doesn't support changing the destination sign by my drivercommand. It only uses the signs defined in its own texture-group. The sign to display is selected at setup time or in the 'View Details' window.

If it's the <kuid2:343177:313001:1> BR Class 313 DMSO Blue & grey, it doesn't support changing the destination sign by my drivercommand. It only uses the signs defined in its own texture-group. The sign to display is selected at setup time or in the 'View Details' window.


Thanks Peter.