DEM problem with & microDEM.Humble request


Aprilia Racing Fan
Hi all,

It would be quicker to request,
than to explain how i cant get a gnd.file to work
with hog from a image. I've given up:confused:
I spent a hole day off on this. (Rained out)

So if some nice person could make this for me
i would be indebted to you.

here is a link to the file,
the number is S28E153,
I'm after Moreton Island, shown below in the rectangle.

The Plan is to turn the island into a Fictional maze of 2ft (600mm) Sugarcane fields
with 2ft(600mm) interactive industry's scatted around the island,
Including: Dairy Farm Milk, Beef Cattle, Brickworks, Seafood, gold mine & Tourist train ETC, with docks for export to mainland.

The Island specs are:
40km's(25miles) long & 8km's(5miles) Rising to 278mtr's(912ft)

If anyone could help me that would be great.
I promise it will be a good route for all, not only for 2ft lovers, but it would help:hehe:

Torana. :)
I got an FTP folder error from the link. It may be faster to explain the error you were getting after all.
Is your graphic file an uncompressed .tga? That was what killed me when I learned. HOG can't read compressed files.
I'm sure somebady has seen your problem before and knows the answer.

:cool: Claude
The ftp link is OK but I recommend SRTM version 2. Fewer holes (the black patches) plus levelled water surfaces.
Thanks for the replys,

i will give ver2 a go, would it be the same map reference?

But it will be awhile till i get another chance
had a day off for rain & blew it all on this.
learnt a lot though.
Is it possible to get it to work with

So if anybody still wants something to do:hehe:
Anyone? I'm sure it wouldn't take long for someone in the know,
i got so close in one day, from scratch.

Soon i hope to work it out:D

Torana :)
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Tried ver2, lot less holes,

still cant get this to work, when i try to make a gnd.file with HOG
here is the error msg,
maybe someone could tell me what it means?
ERROR:tile template file_blank.dat not found or failed to open :confused:

Has anyone used with MicroDEM? & does it work for you?

Torana :)
If I remember correctly, HOG has a bug with different directories for input and output. Try you put your input data into the same folder as the Hog executable and tell Hog to create the .gnd file there as well.
G'day Torana,

Your problem is caused by your attempt to save the *.gnd file in a folder other than the one in which the file "tile_blank.dat" resides. You can solve this in one of two ways. You can 'move' or 'copy' this file into the location into which you are attempting to save your *.gnd file OR you can save your*.gnd file into the %HOG% directory. I prefer to leave it where it is (in the HOG directory) and create all my *.gnd files there, transferring them to where I want them (in the appropriate %Trainz% folder) once the route has been created in Trainz.

You may also want to "check" the 'interpolate' box option when creating the *.gnd file to eliminate a few more of those holes. Otherwise, might I suggest you get a copy of the free version of SRTMfill, an excellent alternative.

Jerker {:)}
Actually the querk with HOG is rather strange. When it looks for the blank.dat and textures file it only looks in the directory of the last file you specify in the input sequence. In most cases this is the gnd output file. However if you went back and changed to an input file located in a different directory it would look in there and not find those files it needed. That's how I found out what it was doing. I follow the advice already posted and copy all the input files to the directory with the HOG program, create the gnd file there and then move the gnd file out when done.

Bob Pearson
One possible explanation is this: When looking for "tile_blank.dat" HOG internally does not add any path to this file name. Therefore Windows looks for the file in the current default directory which it assumes to be the same as where Hog.exe resides. However, with each completed file open/save dialog Windows changes the default directory to the one specified in the file dialog and hereby loses track to "tile_blank.dat".