DEM or HOG help part deux.


New member
Named so to set it apart from the other thread by the same name.

I've recently undertaken something of a short route, mostly just to piddle around with something. However I can't find any DEM or HOG data on the route. Anyone that has it, or has the oh, one or two baseboards that the route would require, I'd be greatly appreciated for help.

I'm looking for the Folkestone Branch, primarily from the terminus down to the pier. Any help?
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G'day magickmaker,

I find it highly unlikely that you will find a "ready to run" 'route' to your requirements. DEM and HOG (as such) are a somewhat involved processes. That which you seek is best obtained by asking (from those wise in the ways of DEM and HOG) for the 'route' to be 'created' to your specifications...

...alternatively, you may consider 'learning' the process yourself, so that you may undertake the work 'off your own bat'...

...TransDEM (payware) is also very much worth consideration...

Jerker {:)}
G'day magichmaker,

Despite all that has been said above, it would seem that some 'magic' has been made. I was rummaging around in my file collection, when I suddenly came across this...


...which would seem to be exactly what you are seeking.

Whilst you're there, you should pick up these...

Ground Textures

...otherwise you will not be able to see the 'textures' applied to the "terrain"...

...without consultation, I trust these are to your satisfaction.

Jerker {:)}
Thanks. The only thing that's really been holding me up when working on this was deciding on three things. The first, was what type of viaduct I ought use. The one from the folkestone branch is a nice brick one, but it's been built up over the years, making it a bit hard to distinguish. Secondly, is the swing bridge. If I decide to model a time prior to (i think) the 1930's, I have to use something that while not perfect is pretty close. Prior to that the swing bridge was wooden, with an iron plate girder type replacing it. I think I've found a reasonable solution to that part of the problem. Lastly is the pier itself. You can't tell it from looking at photos, but the pier was a rather curious two story design. Essentially passengers walked above the trains to the end of the pier, walking on the "roof" if you will, of the station itself. Again, I think I can pull that off, but deciding on how to produce a nice pier is giving me pause. It's funny, short as this branch is, that I'm taking so much time working at it, but I want this to be something fun, and maybe something to see turning up with activities (sessions) or maybe in a larger route. Plus, I wanna get a crack at that 1 in 37 grade myself.
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