Default Track Sounds


Electric Blue
So far, I've disabled the clickity-clack sound for the tracks. Now, I need to know how to make the subtle "wooshing" sound you hear with wagons louder. Where is the file(s) located, which contains the subtle wooshing sound file?
Hi Ron,

Sadly, I believe the file you're after is in Trainz's JA files and is therefore inaccessible.

Is there any other way to make wagons have a different sound when they run on tracks? I don't think it's possible to add sounds in the bogey OR the track's configs.
I put some sound files in a clone of MP Track Wood V2, and edited the numerals in the config file so that they play later ... Now I have slow switching, grinding, grownling, wheelsounds up to @ 30 mph ... I usually drive from 1 - 15 mph, as I like switching moves ... I would have to look to see what tracksound I used ... I tried them all, even JR & RRMods, but chose another more old time sound effect tracksound.
Hi Cascade,
Greatly enjoy your comments in general, always good for a chuckle.
Really fascinated as to how you placed sound files in MP Track Wood v2. I use this track as my standard as on a previous forum post this track was recommended as low frame rates compared to some others which are used in so many cases.
Please post the info as I too enjoy slow motion running and goods yard shunting, or as you say west of greenwich "switching moves".:p
helian 43
I think I used TRam_ , ID #400260, Bogey sound 18-100-2, <kuid2:400260:423265:1>

And placed it in my MP Track Wood v2

I tried so many that I can't remember them all.

I think when you alter a built in asset ... when you do a TAD the asset reverts to the origiinal ? So you have to keep re-doing it.

I got rid of the Auran default sliding paintshed trucks, but they keep coming back when I do a TAD.

the line to put inside a track config file is:

track-sound {
sound {
track-sound <kuid2:400260:423265:1> (which is TRam_ 's_)
priority 1
track <kuid2:69871:2004:2> (which is Philskene's)

Then copy paste and overwrite the default wav sound files, with TRam_ 's wav files in their place
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So far, I've disabled the clickity-clack sound for the tracks. Now, I need to know how to make the subtle "wooshing" sound you hear with wagons louder. Where is the file(s) located, which contains the subtle wooshing sound file?

I want to know how you disabled Default track sounds? Its really annoying sounds..i added a text file trainzoptions.txt with ( -DisableRailJointSound) in Trainz Directory but it didnot work.
Please guide me how to get rid of track sound permanently?
Awaiting for your reply.
disable-extra-track-sounds 1

I put this in every loco/rollingstock.txt that I want to be changed.

Makes it complete silent.

Then I put new sounds to the bogeys.

Maybe not the best way, but it works great in my Tane.

Check speelings again
is not
One has caps, and is misspelled because of the caps ... caps are wrong

Thanks for reply
I removed caps and wrote -disablerailjointsound in trainzoptions.txt.
Still Sounds are dominating.
I also add other sound files e.g RRmods sound files. RRmods sound files work but when speed increases then again Default sound dominates.
If there is Default sound, there will be asset showing KUID of these sound files.By knowind KUID i can find sound file then Disable these file.
Is there KUID of these Track sound files????
Thanks for reply
I removed caps and wrote -disablerailjointsound in trainzoptions.txt.
Still Sounds are dominating.
I also add other sound files e.g RRmods sound files. RRmods sound files work but when speed increases then again Default sound dominates.
If there is Default sound, there will be asset showing KUID of these sound files.By knowind KUID i can find sound file then Disable these file.
Is there KUID of these Track sound files????

If this is T:ANE there is no such animal as this was related to the old Jet Engine in TS12 and below.

For TS12, ensure you are using the "correct" trainzoptions.txt file. The one you need to edit or create must be located in your User Data folder.