Decent Layouts


Ca Plane Pour Moi
Can anyone recomend any decent layouts from the UK I have found 2 Glasgow North 1 and Heartbeat version 3 if you do some tweaking to it.

Yours Karl
Yorkshire Pt6 Kuid 156702:667 and Yorkshire Pt 8 Kuid 156702:100416 are pretty good routes. I prefer Heartbeat UK 2004. Angelah has a few good routes on her own site. And they are brilliant routes for a person with a sight problem.

Yorkshire Pt6 Kuid 156702:667 and Yorkshire Pt 8 Kuid 156702:100416 are pretty good routes. I prefer Heartbeat UK 2004. Angelah has a few good routes on her own site. And they are brilliant routes for a person with a sight problem.

All except WCL part 2 are on the DS... Am slowly updating my site so new routes will be on there as well.

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Karl, it all depends on which era you are requiring. Search for these usernames on the DLS, for steam I would suggest, puffernutter, trackplate, hooverman, cmburgess, angelah, Lord-Claud-Hamilton and LieLestoSbrat and for modern day electric layouts there is gamerouche, harcourt and kimmy and for diesel there is vern, driver col, InverTrainz and Captain Scarlet.
These are my personal faves for TRS2004, if you have TRS2006, there is davidbird and kevaylett and finally for trams in the Nottingham area then our friend robin hoods' layouts are worth looking at.....

Sorry, if I missed anyone, it was done in a hurry and I'm sure they'll be on here to promote their stuff if I've forgotten.....:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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Can anyone recomend any decent layouts from the UK I have found 2 Glasgow North 1 and Heartbeat version 3 if you do some tweaking to it.

Yours Karl
The one route I've managed to down load with out faults/missing kuids so far from DLS is SP2 for Rosworth vale. Not exactly a new route but it works out of the box & is a big inprovement. The download helper missed a handful of files but they were on the DLS.
Havn't tried any of Angelahs yet though!
Edit: Only been doing this a couple of weeks & havn't scratched the surface of thelayouts on the DLS.
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The one route I've managed to down load with out faults/missing kuids so far from DLS is SP2 for Rosworth vale. Not exactly a new route but it works out of the box & is a big inprovement. The download helper missed a handful of files but they were on the DLS.
Havn't tried any of Angelahs yet though!
Edit: Only been doing this a couple of weeks & havn't scratched the surface of thelayouts on the DLS.

Hi Porsche,
Rosworth is an oldie.... I thought it came on the 2004 CD. But my memory lately is hopeless so don't take any notice of what I say!
My routes are all English so it depends where in the world people are, they tend to want lines that represent what they know and the area they live in or travel through.
I do have Hayling Island and the Kent & East Sussex Railway on the DS, the latter as it was before closure. Then there are the 2 WCLines, the first from Paddington to Reading, the second Reading to Westbury and all in full scenic glory, but you either need a very fast PC or cut down the draw distances and detail level on Preferences, then you should be able to run them fine, oh, and add a LOT of day time fog effect. This reduces the amount loaded each time as your train travels along the line. Both sections can be merged to form a long route but need a little adjustment. I have marked where the boards need removing off the end of the first section with a long hedge, but never merge your original download, make a copy first - just in case.
There are six fictitious routes too that are fairly small and fun to run. If you have problems with missing assets let me know.
For the real routes you will need the HOG files, these kuids start with the number 9:xxxxx. These texture files are used when the DEM is created so are an integral part of the route.
Below is the link to the D/L site for the second section, thanks to greateastern for kindly hosting it for me after 2 failed uploads to the DS.
Once my own site is updated it will be on there for download too, as most of the others are.

Gone for a download ticket. Working fine. Getting 41Kb/s much faster than before. Funny thing is every time I go to DLS I find things that wern't there before?????
Thanks for the Link Angela. Will have a go at down loading some of yours next! At least paint is working now & the Kuid's show in surveyor. Will get there if my hard disc is big enough.
Rosworth came with 2004 but the SP2 alters the layout & adds much detail better for steam. Like telegraph poles.
Worth a look

All my routes are
Fully supported, tried and tested
All dependencies are available via the download station
All contain a printable map in the pack to help you on the way
Regards Bob V
I'm pretty certain my Mallaig Extension should work without problems. All the dependencies should be on the DLS. Currently got a WIP to extend the route south to Crianlarich.
All my routes are
Fully supported, tried and tested
All dependencies are available via the download station
All contain a printable map in the pack to help you on the way
Regards Bob V

Restormal Castle looks good. But I have been unable to obtain the following KUIDs for it. (They are not the original files but dependences. All original files are there.)
KUID2:60850:24025:3> [Mosignal] Sig 3A BR Post Platform Std LHS
<KUID2:60850:23913:1> *** NOT FOUND ***
<KUID2:60850:24029:3> [Mosignal] Sig 4A BR Platform Post Std LHS
<KUID2:60850:23913:1> *** NOT FOUND ***
<KUID2:60850:24059:3> [Mosignal] Sig 4A BR(S) Cantilever Sighting LHS
<KUID2:60850:23913:1> *** NOT FOUND ***
<KUID2:60850:24065:3> [Mosignal] Sig 3A BR(S) Cantilever Span LHS
<KUID2:60850:23913:1> *** NOT FOUND ***
<KUID2:60850:24069:3> [Mosignal] Sig 4A BR(S) Cantilever Span LHS
<KUID2:60850:23913:1> *** NOT FOUND ***
<KUID2:60850:89000:4> [Behavior] MaxPermittedSpeed
<KUID:-3:10197> *** NOT FOUND ***
They are not available from DLS & I'm not sure where to look. Would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.
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Restormal Castle looks good. But I have been unable to obtain the following KUIDs for it. (They are not the original files but dependences. All original files are there.)

They are not available from DLS & I'm not sure where to look. Would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.

Firstly I have no idea why these items are showing up as required dependencies and would ask if you have tried the route in surveyor without them
Here I will ask for advice from 06 users for comment I take it you are using trs06 though rest assured there are many 06 users of this layout
Secondly all the items in you post are available from the DLS except the -3 item all items using the - kuid are Auran built in items already included in the game
To download the items on your list use the basic kuid number (example 60850:89000) in the search box at the DLS and be sure you have checked the radio button it the kuid box hit search and hay presto
Trusting this helps to clear the problem
Regards Bob V
Thanks Trackplate! Using the basic KUID sorted it. I just hit the find KUID button from Objectz & it didn't work. I have 2004 which may explain the problem. Very pretty it is too. May need some GWR locos for this on though. Doesn't look quite right with an A4.........
Anyhow route now loads in surveyor withoout the missing objects warning.
Thanks Trackplate! Using the basic KUID sorted it. I just hit the find KUID button from Objectz & it didn't work. I have 2004 which may explain the problem. Very pretty it is too. May need some GWR locos for this on though. Doesn't look quite right with an A4.........
Anyhow route now loads in surveyor withoout the missing objects warning.

Glad to find you have it sorted mind this is a route completely built in 04 and I still fail to understand the requirements for these item and will investigate further
Don’t forget the map in the pack if you copy this into a word document it should print easily from there onto a single A4 sheet
Regards Bob V
Think the problem may be my instalation of Trainz......... Might have to try a clean instal & start again. Crashing to desktop without reason. Objectz shows many more missing KUIDs. But there all in there. I've checked. May be it's my hard disc. Not sure yet.

Think the problem may be my instalation of Trainz......... Might have to try a clean instal & start again. Crashing to desktop without reason. Objectz shows many more missing KUIDs. But there all in there. I've checked. May be it's my hard disc. Not sure yet.

What kind of size is your hard drive, C:/ I mean, if that's where you're installing Trainz.

It's on a 26 gig partition. Don't know whats gone wrong. Maybe just downloaded too much stuff & got a corrupted file. Problem seem to be with the original files. (Negative KUID's) I can't find those except with a clean instal. It's all getting downloaded indevidualy & backed up. No more download helper! That thing is seriously flakey. If it's still screwed by August then theres always TC3!

It's on a 26 gig partition. Don't know whats gone wrong. Maybe just downloaded too much stuff & got a corrupted file. Problem seem to be with the original files. (Negative KUID's) I can't find those except with a clean instal. It's all getting downloaded indevidualy & backed up. No more download helper! That thing is seriously flakey. If it's still screwed by August then theres always TC3!

I tried Helper when 04 first came out and hit problems so haven't used it since, just the ftp option, and I rarely get any problems with that.
It means you miss dependancies of course, but with a bit of patience that can be resolved.

Hi Klambert, I'm a little late with this, but I have a TS2004 UK layout on the DLS that has got a fairly good response.

Go to user name 'nawlins' and you'll find Glasgow Queen Street 2007 v1. There's a session to go with it.

Hope you give it a try.

(Also check out Midland Fantasy). :)
