Decent Grass Splines


Electric Blue
Can someone point me to a decent set of grass splines? I'm not looking for the splines with tall grass bunched up in random patches, but a spline where the grass isn't too high, but covers the ground evenly. Something like the asset "Forest Grass 03 20x20m", in TS12. I absolutely love that spline, which prevents the ground from looking flat directly next to/alongside the rails. However, it would be nice to have different colors or shades.

I know they are out there, but almost all are named "grass", with very vague details. Any pointers?

Cut-pasted from a thread I almost hijacked:

(One last question before I hijack this thread,) what assets can we use to 'vegetate' the ground, as seen in the video? I don't find much hope in the built-in TANE assets, as it's all rather stringy and spread-out, but something that comes in closer, more prototypical formations of grass blade representations. See around one-and-half minutes into the video, there's a lot of detail that doesn't look like the typical X-formation of planar grass we have. Are there any assets that look more... round in pattern?
I looked on the Jointed Rail web site, and I can find the Grazzy downloads but they say "Coming Soon", and are not avail for download. So since you have them and use them, I must be doing something wrong. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get these to show as available to download. I am registered to the web site.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.