deactivate interlocking towers path ?


New member
Hi everyone,

My quuestion is simple, but i can't find an answer... Write sessions is realy new for me, i try to learn by myself, by tutos, and forum...
In surveyor mode, when i set a new road, and make it run with automated junctions (interlocking tower is good for that), it work realy fine. I set a manual path activated with a trigger, but when i exit the path, all junctions stay in position and stay locked. I can't go back or use the same track in the other way. Go back to my starting point for example.
Can i, deactivate a path set on by IT after leaving this path ? Is there a command or something to do in the session editor to revocate a automated path ?

The IT is realy easy to use, but if i can't free junctions i will have to do as in old time, when all junctions were programmed by trigger and junctions set up...

Thank you very much if someone can help me with this serious problem : how to deactivate a IT road after it is acvtive !
If the junctions are used with interlocking tower they stay controlled by it and are never able to be tuned by you. You need to set paths in all directions used by the junctions.
No you cannot release a junction from an IT once it is set they are not usable. It makes it hard to do switching maneuvers in side an Interlocking you will have to set a path for every possible maneuver.
Thank you for your answers.
It's like i have imagine it could be...
IT seems to be a powerfull tool, but if i develop a session in whch one i want to go sowhere take some consists and go back to my starting point and sort consists in differents track it is just impossible !

So, if the Trainz dev add a rule to deactivate an IT it would be so cool. Instead, i am going to work like in the past using the junctions rules...
From what I read elsewhere it should be possible to do a path in reverse but you may need to use a different start and end signal.

Ok, the other thing i can do, reading you, is to cross as many IT path as i need to write my session scenario !
It can be a good logical job... Let's try all possibilities and see if it can match with all configurations ! It sounds like an accurate job !
As Shane says, you need to ADD separate signals for the Start and End of the reverse path. Intermediate signals can be reused. Invisible signals may be used for a path to make route look real. You could also try using a separate Tower for reversing but not sure if two Towers can serve the same train at different times. These things are left to the customer to find.
As Shane says, you need to ADD separate signals for the Start and End of the reverse path. Intermediate signals can be reused. Invisible signals may be used for a path to make route look real. You could also try using a separate Tower for reversing but not sure if two Towers can serve the same train at different times. These things are left to the customer to find.

You can't use two IT's for the same signal. You have to set up one IT to cover an area and then a second IT to cover the next area, as in real life. But one IT can cover paths in opposite directions on the same track. This way only one path can be in use at any one time.
