Database Repair!!


Late week, for four days in a row, I would turn on TS19 and it would start into a database repair. Before this I have but once needed a database repair. On the fifth day the database repair stated and got about a third of the way though and stopped. It was Saturday so I spent the whole day restarting the repair and it stopped about the same place each time. In the upper 60,000's of scan assets. And so My copy of TS19 is broken and I'm not sure what to do about it. Don

Are there any error messages or assertion errors?

That will stop the repair from completing.

Have you tried an Extended Database Repair?

To do that, you need to press the CTRL-key while clicking on Rebuild Database. This may fix the problem, but it does take a very long time to complete.

Are there any error messages or assertion errors?

That will stop the repair from completing.

Have you tried an Extended Database Repair?

To do that, you need to press the CTRL-key while clicking on Rebuild Database. This may fix the problem, but it does take a very long time to complete.

There are no error messages other than the errors in assets.

I had forgot about the CTTL-key. I'll try that.

I have a "folder" that has only built in assets without any down loads in it and the database repair finishes it ok. It's only the folder that has addons in it.
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