custom signiture? (probably rong forum)


Xfire,steam: gerbile3
how would i get a custom signiture set for me? yes ive read the faq's and yes ive looked at my profile options. do i need to post acertain amount of posts or sumtin?
i dont hav ascess to ur link it says i dont hav the privalages

Then you'll need to contact helpdesk then as they are the only ones who can help you resolve this issue.

I just tried the link that PerRock posted and it does work and does answer your question as well.

Probably not since all his previous posts have been in forums that are available to those who haven't registered their serial number.....:cool:

That *MAY* be the case, but it also appears that there IS a problem with the way registration is done. When I registered my first TRS (2006), and logged in to the forum, I could see only a very few sections! I did some reading and found that there had been a forum crash and this was the new forum software. I figured that what I saw was all there was to the forums. I posted a question in this section, and checked back a few days later, and couldn't find my posting! After much digging I found that it had been MOVED, but I could NOT access that section. I then tried emailing the help desk, and got no response, then I found a note that since the helpdesk email address was being overrun with spam, it was no longer in use, and the only way to contact the helpdesk was via a form on the web. I did that, and got a message from Alan a few days later, that said the helpdesk could not change my access to the forums, but that he would forward my request on to the forum "moderator". About a week later I finally saw that there are a LOT more sections to this forum!

Auran seems to do things a bit "different" than the rest of the world, they ask you to:
1) register your serial number
2) use the forum for support
3) wait until you ask a question, then move your question to an area you DON'T have access to.
I noticed if you log out, you only see the Auran Announcements, Surveyors, Operaters & Engineers, Trainz Community, Screenshots, and Regional forums. Then if you log in but if you are having forum trouble you see all but the Support forums, then if you have no forum trouble you see all.
I noticed if you log out, you only see the Auran Announcements, Surveyors, Operaters & Engineers, Trainz Community, Screenshots, and Regional forums. Then if you log in but if you are having forum trouble you see all but the Support forums, then if you have no forum trouble you see all.

When I'm logged in I see only Auran Announcements, Surveyors, Operators & Engineers, Trainz Community, Screenshots and Regional forums. Of course I can only post in this and the regional forums, but really, how many other forum sections are there?

When I'm logged in I see only Auran Announcements, Surveyors, Operators & Engineers, Trainz Community, Screenshots and Regional forums. Of course I can only post in this and the regional forums, but really, how many other forum sections are there?


Looks like there are 15 more that you don't see:eek:

There are 12 more in "Maintenance of Way - Support" plus 3 more in "Workshops - Your Creations" (Freeware Announcements, Payware Announcements, and Scenario Scripting & Scriptlets).
Someone needs to create a sticky with these posts in.

My own experience - I knew about all of the different forum sections before I registered, because there is another TRS user in my family (who doesn't post, before you ask).

Because I could quickly recognise the problem I contacted Alan at Helpdesk, who was helpful and forwarded the message to the administrators (this is not Alan), who in turn were able to correct the privilages.

The problem (I have mentioned this before) is that the default privilages do not allow new users access to all of the forum sections, and there are some sections that can be viewed but not posted to. I can only assume that this is protection against bots and spammers/malicious flarers.

My pennysworth.

PS there are a number of posters in this thread to whom it has been suggested already that they contact Helpdesk, and I admire PerRock's dh2k3's patience with such people.

Then you'll need to contact helpdesk then as they are the only ones who can help you resolve this issue.

I just tried the link that PerRock posted and it does work and does answer your question as well.


That *MAY* be the case, but it also appears that there IS a problem with the way registration is done. When I registered my first TRS (2006), and logged in to the forum, I could see only a very few sections! I did some reading and found that there had been a forum crash and this was the new forum software. I figured that what I saw was all there was to the forums. I posted a question in this section, and checked back a few days later, and couldn't find my posting! After much digging I found that it had been MOVED, but I could NOT access that section. I then tried emailing the help desk, and got no response, then I found a note that since the helpdesk email address was being overrun with spam, it was no longer in use, and the only way to contact the helpdesk was via a form on the web. I did that, and got a message from Alan a few days later, that said the helpdesk could not change my access to the forums, but that he would forward my request on to the forum "moderator". About a week later I finally saw that there are a LOT more sections to this forum!

Auran seems to do things a bit "different" than the rest of the world, they ask you to:
1) register your serial number
2) use the forum for support
3) wait until you ask a question, then move your question to an area you DON'T have access to.

I noticed if you log out, you only see the Auran Announcements, Surveyors, Operaters & Engineers, Trainz Community, Screenshots, and Regional forums. Then if you log in but if you are having forum trouble you see all but the Support forums, then if you have no forum trouble you see all.
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Looks like there are 15 more that you don't see:eek:

There are 12 more in "Maintenance of Way - Support" plus 3 more in "Workshops - Your Creations" (Freeware Announcements, Payware Announcements, and Scenario Scripting & Scriptlets).

I see the ones in Workshops you mentioned but I don't see a section called MOW.
