Curve tracks with a specific radius


New member
I want to draw in surveyor mode a track with a especific radius.
¿how can I make that.?

Other question , If I use Fixed Tracks how can I use slopes with them??


Concerning the second question, I usually set up my fixerd track, use it as a template, and then delete the fixed track (just a matter of taste). That would eliminate the problem of fixed track and grades.
The fixed track offer a pretty good range of radii, then I just delete each section of fixed track one at a time and replace with whatever spline track that I wish to use and than apply the grade. I've found that it works rather well for my needs.
I use the built in ruler under tools. I start from the straight section of track, measuring the radius perpendicular to it. At this point, I measure back the same distance but rotated about thirty degrees. I add additional "spokes to the wheel" until I have reached the end of the curve. Then I lay the track with a spline point at the end of each of the "Wheel Spokes". The spline smooths out to a fair curve of the proper radius.
