Creating subway routes?


New member
Ok I understand that in order to create a map you use surveyor. How would one go about creating a subway path underground?

Do I raise the terrain and put stuff underneath? How does it work?

also, how would you designate stations? please note that i am very new, links and all kinds of help would be appreciated. thanks
Well, the first step would be to get a subway set. Magicland's subway kit seems to be a good system with only a few things to sort out, and fairly easy to work with.
The tunnels are track, so they go together neatly and stay put when you raise or lower the ground. The easiest way would be to lay it out on flat ground and adjust it until you're happy with the way the system looks before you bury it. I prefer to push it down to the final depth once everything is assembled.
The stations are objects, of course. There are Premetro Stations which are pre-assembled and ready to attach track to, as well as the Magicland stations.
Magicland stations are built by laying out the invisible base station and the two end pieces that match, Island station end pieces with the island station, etc. Then use the matching spline to connect the end pieces to the station. This will produce all the walls, platforms and roofs all at once. It's wonderful.
Once everything is where you want it to be, just use the height control to push things down to the selected depth. Don't forget, though, the track will go to an absolute depth compared to the elevation, while the station parts will go down to a relative depth compared to the surface, so if you raise or lower the ground, the track will stay put and the station will move with the ground surface, so you'll have to use the grey grid feature to make the ground clear and go back and adjust the height of the stations again.
That should get you started. feel free to ask more questions.

:cool: Claude
so if I understand this correctly in order to do this

1. I need a tunnel rail set
2. Place those whereever
3. Raise existing terrain to desired level

Can I make my own tunnel set?
yes but first you need Gmax the creators tool for his or her own content.
its been so long scince i got it i forgot where to get it. someone please give him the right address.
when you have it go to World of and get Gary.P's tutorials on Gmax this should get you started.
Gmax will take time and pacintints to master like surveyor. so dont get upset if you dont understand post here and we will help you.
3D modeling is 1024x768 is BAD

Ok so what I am going to do this build on the ground level and put walls around the tracks so it fakes it

Now I am going to basically build a section and then just use that

How can you put in the rails? I can probably manage the walls by myself - just put up blocks and color it black

this is the design i was going for

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Have you looked at the few subway routes that are on the download station, it may be a silly question but also may give you pointers as to how others have gone about it?

Going to the download station from the link above this forum and searching "subway" gives 161 items! There is a full German route somewhere as well as US ones.

Also search the forum, as I have seen similar threads before (though maybe gone down the black hole when the forums crashed).
The German route is "U-bahn Berlin" by mcq. It's good, but the stations aren't height adjustable, so they sit on top of the terrain, and they only work with the u'bahn cars, so you can't change the cars.
There was a rumor that the material was being updated to work with other subway cars and maybe even be height adjustable, but I haven't heard anything definite on that. I hope it's true, since the stations are fabulous.
I also agree on the other point. There's no point in faking subway parts until you've tried out the existing assets from the DLS to see if they do the job you need done.
Try the JeffMorris layout "IRT1904''. It's about the smallest subway on the DLS and is a good starrter set for learning how a subway layout is assembled.
Good luck.

:cool: Claude
Well I have dug a 20m deep trench and put all my lines in there.....

That's good except I need a suitable covering, any suggestions?

Buildings and bridges seem to work...

They did it in Berlin that way but they dug a much deeper hole in 2000.
I have added a bunch of tunnel assets to my trench collection which could help building a metro system. All are on the DLS.
Well I have dug a 20m deep trench and put all my lines in there.....

That's good except I need a suitable covering, any suggestions?

Buildings and bridges seem to work...

They did it in Berlin that way but they dug a much deeper hole in 2000.

The good old cut and cover method, which was pioneered in London and then used in Boston when the city built the first subway system in North America.

I've used concrete splines to cover up the ditch, but only for a short distance. I used one of those track-only tunnels that didn't have an end on it, and placed scenery-type tunnel portal entrances. This was way before there was a layer system and the process was very time consuming even for the tiny loop that I put in. The problem I ran into was buildings sinking down under the concrete splines and lots of stuff needing adjustment. If I were building only a subway system, I wouldn't bother with much detail above ground, or even bother with the tunnel entrance, and build the system much like the U-bahn system by MCQ is done.

There are some subway assets on the DLS. They are really, really old, but still work okay and there are others.

<kuid:58843:38045> Subway track 1 line L
<kuid:58843:1040> Subway no 3rd rail cement 2
<kuid:58843:38041> Subway track 1 line
<kuid:58843:38039> Subway track 1 line NC
<kuid:58843:38044> Subway track 1 line R
<kuid:58843:38046> Subway track 1 line 1 side
<kuid:58843:38043> Subway track 1 line-gap
<kuid:58843:38042> Subway track 1 line-walls
<kuid:58843:38040> Subway track 1 line-walls NC
<kuid:58843:38103> Subway Platform
<kuid2:58843:3335:1> Subway Station 4
<kuid:58843:48106> Subway Island Platform Start
<kuid:58843:38114> Subway Platform 4 local
<kuid2:58843:39202:1> Light Spline
<kuid:58843:48104> Subway Platform Start
<kuid:58843:38120> Subway Island Platform
<kuid:58843:48107> Subway Island Platform End
<kuid:58843:3334> Subway Island Station
<kuid:58843:3333> Subway Station
<kuid:58843:3336> Subway Station 4 Local
<kuid:58843:48105> Subway Platform End
<kuid:58843:38106> Subway Platform Exit
<kuid:58843:38119> Subway Platform Terminal
<kuid:58843:38116> Subway Platform 4
<kuid:58843:38109> Subway Platform 4 end
<kuid:58843:38117> Subway Platform 4 local end
<kuid:58843:38115> Subway Platform 4 local start
<kuid:58843:1038> Subway Platform 4 local-3
<kuid:58843:38110> Subway Platform 4 start
<kuid:58843:38118> Subway Platform 4 terminal
<kuid:58843:38107> Subway Platform-2
<kuid:58843:1036> Subway Platform-3
<kuid:58843:1037> Subway Platform-4

It's interesting seeing a 14-year old thread come alive again!