crash report


Well-known member
; <NULL> : 1696021636749: Client 097bb868483ba042 refreshing DRM product listing (trs22-win32-simc-530)
; <NULL> : 1696021638468: Client refresh complete
; <NULL> : TrainzDRMClient::performPlanetAuranLogin> not yet authenticated with planet auran
; <NULL> : TrainzDRMClient::performPlanetAuranLogin> logging in to planet auran cache
; <NULL> : TrainzDRMClient::performPlanetAuranLogin> cache login successful, setting session cookie

Could anyone shed some light on this please? Last report before crash to desktop, no info to be found in the fountain of knowledge, Google.

edit: I take it the smiley is a 'P'.
This is nothing out of the normal. This is Trainz talking to the DRM server to authenticate your login and product-level so you can use the program. The information is cached so you can work offline and when you login, the information is refreshed.

Unfortunately, this doesn't have the information needed to report the crash. The best way to find the culprit is to do the ugh, process of elimination.

Show only the modified, third-party, and DLS dependencies for your route.

Highlight all the assets

Once highlighted, click on Content on the menu bar and choose hide.

Shutdown Trainz completely - the Launcher too and restart.

Load the route and ignore and missing dependencies.
Does it crash? (Probably not because that's how things usually go!)

Close the route.

Highlight 100 assets. Go to the Content menu again and choose Show assets.

Repeat the process again.

Crash Nope?

Restart program.

Highlight 100 more assets and test.

Shutdown the program and restart.

Continue until there's a crash.

When it crashes, that's the culprit.

To verify, highlight a bunch before, hide, and test. Usually, it's the last asset you unhide that's the bugger.

Hide that asset and try again and see if the program still crashes.
If it does, then it's something else, or maybe there is more than one asset with issues. Usually, it's only one that's causing the crash.
As the reports dance by there is one that is continuous:
ATSF GP60M does not have attachment point or is not currently loaded.
I'll start by substituting the 20 or so of those, one less to worry about before I start the heavy stuff above!
Thanks for the workload John! :)
It wasn't the smartest move from '19 I think.
As the reports dance by there is one that is continuous:
ATSF GP60M does not have attachment point or is not currently loaded.
I'll start by substituting the 20 or so of those, one less to worry about before I start the heavy stuff above!
Thanks for the workload John! :)
It wasn't the smartest move from '19 I think.
You'll be fine. Remember to wear your back-brace as you dig through the content. ;-)
The ATSF GP60M is built-in, so I would skip that one.

As an FYI, right-click on a listed faulty asset, and you'll sometimes get the option to view the asset in Content Manager. I was able to repair some assets that way that really had some bugs such as incorrect float values that were somehow missed by the built-in error checking.

Nah, you'll work through the bugs. I've been using Plus for a while now with few issues at all. If I did have them, they were all content-related such as a corrupted asset or a bad script. Once I ironed those out, I've been pretty rock solid.