Couple at Trackmark Command


New member
I am trying to get a loco to travel to a trackmark which is close to the end of a consist and then couple. I can't get the loco to do this. It travels part of the way and then stops, and I'm getting a message that it is waiting for the track to clear!

I have done this successfully before, but that was a year or two ago and I've forgotten exactly how I did it!

Another query: At an entirely different location I have a loco doing the runaround command, which it does successfully, but at the actual moment of coupling it pushes the consist it is coupling to practically a whole loco length! Is there any way to make it couple more gently?

If anyone can offer advice on either of these two problems, an old codger would be very much obliged!


Silly question but you're not using a Drive To or Drive Via Trackmark command before the Couple at Trackmark? Just tried a couple of small tests and it works OK for me unless I used a DT or DV command first, as the line is seen as being blocked. Likewise, if the TM is covered by the wagon you are trying to couple to, the line is blocked.

Can't help much with the second problem I'm afraid. I don't normally have a problem with the runaround command unless there are several junctions to cross, in which case the AI could go for miles before it sets back onto the consist! In those instances, I'd set up a manual runaround using TM's, Couple At command and the Schedule Library/Copy Commands rules. You could stick in a Stop Train command after the Couple At which should stick the brakes on quicker.

Hope this helps.


Coupling problems: a case of coitus interuptus?

I'm having a similar problem. My track layout is fully signalled, except for marshalling yards. If I issue a command to a loco to couple with a consist lying at a station platform, then the approaching signal shows red because the consist is occupying the track sector and will not permit the loco to proceed. Any ideas?
Don't forget that you should use "Couple at Trackmark X" to get the train there and couple, not "Drive to Trackmark X" and then "Couple at Trackmark X".

Other than that, try making more room in the siding so that it doesn't conflict with junctions or signals or adjusting the size of the trackmarks radii.

There's a tutorial on my site that goes into some detail about "Couple at Trackmark" and the problems to avoid.
If you have TRS2006 (What was I thinking!) you can download an example map and session, but if you have TRS2004 it's worth reading the tutorial.
It might give you an idea what's causing the problem on your map.

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Short answer: Remove the signal.

My yards have signals facing inwards. so the trains leaving have the signal facing them. I use no signal to gain entry into the yard. I make heavy use of Pguys commands... "Drive to First Availible Trackmark", and "Couple at First Occupied Trackmark". that way, my consists going into the yard ALWAY goes to an empty track, and the shunter (using the "Couple at First Occupied Trackmark) gets the consist. His scripts also operate randomly. With the exception of sorting at the hump, and the departing end of the yard, I run an entirely AI controlled yard.

Anyone know of a way to have a shunter wait until any track in a yard is at capacity (say 70 cars). before heading in to depart that consist?

I'm also looking for a way to have the cars at the hump auto sort (by carriage type or random) to the yard?

I'm using TRS06
I am trying to get a loco to travel to a trackmark which is close to the end of a consist and then couple. I can't get the loco to do this. It travels part of the way and then stops, and I'm getting a message that it is waiting for the track to clear!

I have done this successfully before, but that was a year or two ago and I've forgotten exactly how I did it!

Another query: At an entirely different location I have a loco doing the runaround command, which it does successfully, but at the actual moment of coupling it pushes the consist it is coupling to practically a whole loco length! Is there any way to make it couple more gently?

If anyone can offer advice on either of these two problems, an old codger would be very much obliged!


About that "runaround" problem....have an invisible speed posted to 5mph. thats how I overcame that problem.
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Re Couple at Trackmark Problem

Thanks to the helpful replies posted by my friends on this forum, my problem is now resolved!

Thank you one and all,
