Correct Order??


Active member
Am trying to get this session to work.
1. loco moves from siding to track in front of the Yard.
2. the loco them reverses back into yard and couple up to the Log Wagons.

One happens AOK
but cannot get the junction to switch so that the loco can drive into the yard.

Rule Screen
I do not know how much experience you have with the Session Rules editor so I may be giving you old information with the following points.

Are you aware that all the rules that are nested up against the left hand edge of the rule window are all executed, as far as it is possible, simultaneously? So, for example, the two Objective Update Rules will be executed at the same time as the two Objective Add Rules. This means that Objectives 1 and 2 will be terminated (marked as complete) as soon as they have been added regardless of whether or not the driver has completed those objectives.

I have never used the Objective Rules (they may be perfectly suited to your tasks, I just don't know) but I would use Triggers or Track Marks with Navigation points.

Some primers on the Trainz Wiki that you may not already know about are:-
How to Use the Session Editor
How to Use Track Triggers
How to Use Parent and Child Rules
I do not know how much experience you have with the Session Rules editor so I may be giving you old information with the following points.

Are you aware that all the rules that are nested up against the left hand edge of the rule window are all executed, as far as it is possible, simultaneously? So, for example, the two Objective Update Rules will be executed at the same time as the two Objective Add Rules. This means that Objectives 1 and 2 will be terminated (marked as complete) as soon as they have been added regardless of whether or not the driver has completed those objectives.

I have never used the Objective Rules (they may be perfectly suited to your tasks, I just don't know) but I would use Triggers or Track Marks with Navigation points.

Some primers on the Trainz Wiki that you may not already know about are:-
How to Use the Session Editor
How to Use Track Triggers
How to Use Parent and Child Rules
Thanks for the info, this is how it ended up and working. The Objective rules still need a bit of tweaking ...