Copy & paste ground texture in route?


Well-known member
I can't seem to find any information or I must be typing something wrong that nothing understands.
How am I supposed to copy 'only' the ground texture to paste it elsewhere on a route, without it ruining the terrain??
In Classic: Right side Paint menu (grap the one you want to copy and than paint it anywhere you whant or fill in an (rectangles) area.
In 2.0: Grap the wanted with the pipette, then click in the Bruschtool to paint it anywhere.
Strange enough!

Here's what I did in Surveyor Classic
Paint Tools, clicked on the 'select' rectangle tool, Ctrl+C to copy
Selected another area where I want the same ground texture, using that same 'select' rectangle tool and Ctrl+V to paste.

Every time, I do this it's copying the terrain and not the ground texture and pasting that instead??
Same thing happens in 2.0, however it does copy and paste the texture along with the terrain from the area I copied from??

Clearly, I'm doing something wrong!
Ah ok. Do you want to copy a field rectangle with multiple texture squares in it?
There are filters under scrap book after ctrl+c you may set them to None for inserting with ctrl+v.
All I want to do is copy and paste the ground texture, I'm trying to save myself a lot of time painting it multiple times.

Basically, I created a route module to enable the 'Mt Isa' and 'Cloncurry - Phosphate Hill' routes to merge successfully. But when I created the route module, I don't have the exact same ground textures and both routes making it look like it's completely out of place. What I've been trying to figure out is exactly how on earth to copy and paste the ground texture to paint it onto my route module that's already previously merged with both routes completing the 'Cloncurry - Mt Isa, Phosphate Hill' lines
There are a number of different ways to paint a baseboard or baseboards with a texture only.

In Surveyor 2.0

You can identify a particular texture that is already in the route by moving the pointer over the texture, hold down the Alt key and left click on the texture. This will also automatically perform step 1: in both The Brush Tool and The Marquee Tool methods described below.

The Brush Tool
  1. select the texture you want from the Assets Palette (this will automatically select the Brush Tool and its Ground Texture target)
  2. set the brush radius, sensitivity, rotation and scale in the Tool Options Palette
  3. hold the left mouse button down and paint. Unlike Surveyor Classic there is no upper limit to the brush size. You can increase the brush radius to 100s of metres, even kilometres but be aware that the system performance will decrease as the brush size increases. You can use the "[" and "]" keys while painting to rotate the brush while you paint.
The Marquee Tool
  1. select the texture you want from the Assets Palette
  2. select the Marquee Tool in the Tools Palette
  3. set the sensitivity, rotation and scale in the Tool Options Palette
  4. draw out (left click and drag) the Marquee Selection Area to the required size which can cover multiple baseboards
  5. open the Marquee Selection Area Context Menu and select the option Paint Within Marquee (note you cannot change the rotation, size or sensitivity settings while filling the area)
The Scrapbook Brush
  1. use the Marquee Tool to select an area with the texture that you want to use
  2. press Ctrl + C to copy that area and everything in it (including objects, effect layers and terrain - this is not negotiable!)
  3. move to the area where you want to paste the texture
  4. select the Brush Tool in the Tools Palette and the Scrapbook Data brush target from the first drop down menu then select the Scrapbook Clone action from the second drop down menu
  5. open the Scrapbook Palette if it is not already open
  6. open the Filters List in the Scrapbook Palette (click the little arrowhead next to the Filters title)
  7. from the drop menus select (and this step is important):-
    • Ground Height: None
    • Texture: Overwrite
    • Meshes: None
    • Splines: None
    • Effect Layers: None
  8. set the Brush Radius in the Tool Options Palette to as large as you need
  9. left click and/or left click and drag the brush around the area to paint
More details on all of the above can be found at How_to_Use_S20_Tools
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Useful information mate, appreciate it :)

But unfortunately, it's not what I'm after! I know how to paint textures onto the ground as well as rescaling them in both Surveyor Classic and 2.0
Of course, there's some things above that you mentioned I didn't know :D

So, I'll give you another example

If I paint a full tile, using more than 1 texture. Let's say that I paint 10 textures onto the one single tile on my route, what I would then like to do is copy that texture set and the paste it onto every tile within my route

Patchy had done this in his QR Mt Isa and Cloncurry-Phosphate Hill routes, all the route tiles are the same texture and that exactly the same texture I want to paste onto my route module tiles so it doesn't look out of place when I drive the full length from Mt Isa to Cloncurry ;)
I just downloaded and installed the QR Mt Isa route by Patchy to have a look. At first I thought that the pattern was random but by zooming out it is possible to see repeating elements although they repeat on a scale that is not the same size as the baseboards, it seems to be a slightly larger scale and offset.

After some experimentation I was able to (somewhat) duplicate the process using a combination of the Marquee Tool and the Scrapbook Brush described in my earlier post.

  1. draw out the Marquee Selection Area over the textured part of the route to be copied
  2. open the Marquee Context Tool and select Copy
  3. select the Brush Tool, the Scrapbook Data target and the Scrapbook Brush (not the Scrapbook Clone) action
  4. in the Tool Options Palette
    • set the Shape to Natural (this will make the brush the same shape as the Marquee Selection Area that captured the textures)
    • set the Radius to a suitable large value
  5. open the Scrapbook Palette and set it to only paste the textures (as described above)
  6. paint the textures onto the baseboard
I just downloaded and installed the QR Mt Isa route by Patchy to have a look. At first I thought that the pattern was random but by zooming out it is possible to see repeating elements although they repeat on a scale that is not the same size as the baseboards, it seems to be a slightly larger scale and offset.

After some experimentation I was able to (somewhat) duplicate the process using a combination of the Marquee Tool and the Scrapbook Brush described in my earlier post.

  1. draw out the Marquee Selection Area over the textured part of the route to be copied
  2. open the Marquee Context Tool and select Copy
  3. select the Brush Tool, the Scrapbook Data target and the Scrapbook Brush (not the Scrapbook Clone) action
  4. in the Tool Options Palette
    • set the Shape to Natural (this will make the brush the same shape as the Marquee Selection Area that captured the textures)
    • set the Radius to a suitable large value
  5. open the Scrapbook Palette and set it to only paste the textures (as described above)
  6. paint the textures onto the baseboard
This seems like the only option that works.
I can't figure it out in Surveyor Classic, seems to want to copy and paste the terrain and not the texture which is strange.

I guess I'm just going have to use 2.0 for this and mess with the scaling ;)
Really appreciate the help lads :)
You can also use the Rotate control in the Tool Options Palette to change the angle as you paint. Unlike Surveyor Classic you are not limited to 90deg rotations.
This seems like the only option that works.
I can't figure it out in Surveyor Classic, seems to want to copy and paste the terrain and not the texture which is strange.

I guess I'm just going have to use 2.0 for this and mess with the scaling ;)
Really appreciate the help lads :)
In Surveyor Classic, just like S2.0, you need to deselect the things you don't want to past such as terrain, splines and objects, and only leave the textures enabled.