Converting heights


ok this is my issue:
Im using one of fishlips maps.
I want to delete six of his baseboards, and merge my mohawk yard into that area where i deleted the six boards.
The area where i delete, has a height of 170.
My Yard has a baseheight of 0.
Im not sure if he uses metric or imperial.
I run the metric system.
Is there any way i can change this in my config file?, and if, How?

Any help would be apriciated

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I don't think there is any easy way to do what you want to do. There is no way to merge your 0 elevation to the new height, amd there is no way to change it globally. The best that I think you will be able to do is to merge your yard baseboards to any convenient location and use the copy and past function to place the yards buildings and textures in the correct positions on fishlips terrain, but of course you will have to relay all the track. Then you delete the yard baseboards that you originally merged.

Fishlips terrain is in meters.
ok this is my issue:
Im using one of fishlips maps.
I want to delete six of his baseboards, and merge my mohawk yard into that area where i deleted the six boards.
The area where i delete, has a height of 170.
My Yard has a baseheight of 0.
Im not sure if he uses metric or imperial.
I run the metric system.
Is there any way i can change this in my config file?, and if, How?

Any help would be apriciated

Dosent really matter about metric or feet.

Here's the way I do it. Go ahead and add tiles in between the two routes, starting at the lowest and moving toward the higher boards. Of course when you get there you will run into a wall. No problem. Now get a road, the wider the better and start at the high end and run over to the low end. be sure and DO NOT put any spline points in between, now just hit the smooth button and all of the low terrain will be brought up to the higher with it all bridged in between. You can then move the end spline points of the road along the ridge at both ends and keep bringing the terrain up with the smooth tool. That gives you a good starting point now to start laying track and adjusting the grade. You may have to build a helix inside of a mountain using a tunnel if the difference in elevation is to great to go straight, like the Tehachapi loop plus however many loops are required.

Edit Just as a side note the Tehachapi Loop seen in my signature raise's the train 70 feet in less than 5000 feet of track which is what Waylong siding there at the loop is.
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All heights in Trainz are displayed in meters regardless of the units specified for the map. The map files store all heights as meters also.

EDIT: see comments about problems I had using paste relative also while the absolute paste works it won't bring up track with fixed heights and some items like cameras. To bring up fixed height track you have to use the remove gradient tool clicking on each fixed vertex. Work only on a copy of the map if you try this method. With only paste abs available this is just like making the terrain 170m high with the use height tool but the copy paste uses a larger rectangular area to work with.

For a limited number of boards you might try a copy and paste approach but only paste heights instead of the scenery as George suggested. If the yard map is flat at 0 elevation absolute or relative (EDIT I couldn't get the paste relative to work with heights only yet I'm sure years ago we used it to increase the range of elvations made from displacement maps) doesn't matter but if it is terrained at avg 0 elevation you can keep the existing contour by pasting with the relative option selected. Add in a single board as a separtor to the yard (or a copy of the yard map to be safe). Then add at least 1 baseboard to the new one. (EDIT you can use just 1 baseboard since the area you can copy is limited.) Set the terrain height to 170m and raise the height of the new added baseboard to 170m with the use height terrain tool. Select the new 170 m high area and copy the heights only. Move to the old yard and paste (use relative option if you want it to be 170m relative to old terrain). Continue pasting until yard are is at new height - trick here is to do this to the entire yard map without leaving gaps or overlaying areas which results in gullys and ridges. Undo may become your friend if it doesn't othewise destroy the map. Delete the added boards when you're done and then merge the new height yard map to fish's map.

TransDem is a payware utility that can change the height of baseboards in an existing map modifing track and scenery heights. Look in the payware forum for a thread on TransDem and post a question or contact the author, geophil.

If the copy/paste heights doesn't work and/or you don't want to shell out for TransDem I have utilities that work with the trk files. They will translate atrk file by a specified x.y.z offset and merge it into an existing one. So it would be possible to follow George's suggestion and then transfer over the yard track plan to the new map. However I don't work with anything in the map's obs file so trackside objects like signals, junction levers and the like would be lost as copy and paste in Surveyor doesn't handle these either.

Bob Pearson
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