Computer Troubles


Owner of ZPW.
Well, I've been having issues with my Windows 7 PC the past 2 days, and today, it froze up at one point, and I had to turn it off manually by the button. Upon the PC trying to boot in safe mode, it booted in to the repair mode. After it was done, and I clicked finish, it attempted to boot normally, but it then kicked itself back over into safe mode/Startup Repair. What does this mean? Is/Has my hard drive gone out!?
This sort of question is easily answered in the forums at Tom's Hardware, perhaps you could register for an account? I have, and it's saved me many hours of pondering and searching. The world of PC's is exponentially larger than that of Trainz, and what's happened to you might've happened to little, if any, people on here. The people at Tom's specialize in this thing, so you'd get 10 answers there compared to one answer here.

Hopefully it's nothing too major; .
Well, I tried the methods and they didn't work, but I did find the problem. Somehow, the driver ntfs.sys got corrupt. Gonna have to get the pc repaired tomorrow by someone who knows how to fix it.
I suggest you get it formatted, and install Windows 10, you'll get better results. Also, it will be more forgiving with a computer that was running Windows 7.
Remember the Nividia issues I had with the machine!? Besides, as the guy who fixed it last time said, it's too old for Windows 10.
Then just reformat and reinstall Windows 7. I do an OS reinstall every 8 months or so just to shake out all the junk that accumulates in there.
Well, I had to reinstall the whole OS. It's a tad slow, but I think that's just due to the PC used to being so bogged down. I think the more then just the ntfs.sys file went corrupt. I think user accounts also had gone corrupt after it happened, as trying to get into the admin account was no go, and trying to change the password via the Windows Installer DVD's command prompt would say that the password was successfully changed, but it did not change at all.
Well, around last week, I went to open a file to edit in Trainz, and one of the texture's was a bit corrupted. I thought something was going to happen, and then when it did happen Sunday, I the knew that the corrupted file I saw was maybe my PC telling me something bad was going to happen. Sometime next week, I'm going to get a much newer and much more powerful Windows 7 to replace my old Windows 7 machine.
Good luck getting a new computer that ships with Windows 7...

In all seriousness, that does sound like HDD failure if loads of random items have become corrupt.
Time for a factory reset. The hard shutdown corrupted the formatting of the drive. Probably stuck in a startup repair loop or so. Do you have a back up lying around? A system restore disc or..?

- Josh
Nope. I never had a disc with the machine, nor did I ever make one. Even if I did have the original, it'd be useless for the machine, as the OS that was on the machine when we bought it was Vista, and in 2009, we upgraded the machine to 7.