Computer not working properly?


New member
I'm having a problem with my computer ever since I was hacked. My drive numbers for the three hardrives are all mixed up and my C drive only is the one for windows backup and it's practically useless because of it's size. My D drive has 2 terra bytes so I would like it to be my C drive but I have no idea how to make that happen.:o What I would like to know is how can I install windows 8.1 and get rid of windows 7.
I'm having problems trying to download anything right now because of this computer problem that is why I'm thinking of getting windows 8.1 and try to install it myself. Maybe that would solve my problem. Or just buy a new puter. that might be the best solution. ?????? Help.

Buying a new machine would probably be easiest if you have the cash for it. It will most likely come with Windows 8.1 which in a couple of months you will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free.
FYI: Window 7 will also be a free upgrade.

When you say drive numbers do you mean the drives don't match the drive letter?

If this is true you may be able to correct that in control panel > Administrative tools > computer management >then click on disk management. From there you can right click on the drives and change the drive letter.
If the one you want to change the letter is already in use change that to a higher letter temporality and then change back to the one you want.

Hope this helps.
Thanks leo655annst. That worked fine.
I would never been able to do that on my own. would not have a clue where to look.
Things work very easy if you know what you're doing!

Thanks for the help.
Thanks leo655annst. That worked fine.
I would never been able to do that on my own. would not have a clue where to look.
Things work very easy if you know what you're doing!

Thanks for the help.

Glad you got it sorted.
This is the type of post I like. People who are grateful for the help they get. Wish a few more were like this.
Glad I was right I needed that because my wife always says I wrong! You are welcome a much cheaper fix than a new PC.
