Color destination display problem


New member
Hello. I have a problem with a train in TRS22. When I set a destination, the color of the text should be yellow/gold (color code: 255, 215, 0) but instead, my text is blue. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can solve this problem?

Thanks in advance :)
When I set a destination, the color of the text should be yellow/gold

How, exactly, are you setting the "destination"? For example: is it a "destination sign" displayed on the front of a passenger car? Or something else displayed on the screen? Give us the <kuid> of the asset involved.

Or is it a "destination" such as the name of a Trackmark or Station?
The kuid of the asset(s) involved is <kuid2:171003:1:15> and <kuid2:171003:2:15> (and maybe <kuid2:171003:10:15>, that's a dependency of the first kuid I wrote.)

I'm setting the destination with a destination code inside of the cab, for example '201'. When I've set the code, a text shows up at a display on the front, and also it shows up inside the train. That's where it should be yellow instead of blue.

The various destinations have the same names as the stations.
<kuid2:171003:1:15>, <kuid2:171003:2:15> and <kuid2:171003:10:15> are showing as <unknown assets> in my CM - they are not on the DLS or built-in.

However, if I List Asset Versions of those <kuid> values I get a long list of assets with nearly all shown as "Newer version available". Two of those in the list are simply shown as "Available for download".

<kuid2:171003:1:10> C20 A-B unit
<kuid2:171003:2:10> C20 M unit

Both installed without errors or warnings (a good sign). The descriptions for both reveals that they are v0.9 beta versions (which may not be a good sign).

At no stage of my (limited) testing (in Trainz Plus) did I encounter blue text. But I did note that:-
  1. any edits you make to the Destination Code will not appear until you switch to Driver mode (not unusual)
  2. once I made a change I could not change it to anything else by entering a new code (not good sign)
  3. the destinations did not appear on all the screens located above the car exterior doors (not a good sign)
  4. I could not get the interior destination to appear at all (not a good sign)
The Train cars are asset build 2.9 which is TRS2009 standard.

The creator, SVoyager, last posted in these forums in Jan 2012 and her/his last upload to the DLS was in June 2015. So I suspect that support on this will be very difficult to obtain.
I think <kuid2:171003:1:15> and <kuid2:171003:2:15> are the same assets as <kuid2:171003:1:10> and <kuid2:171003:2:10>. It’s just that they are different versions of the assets.

However, I seem to have the same problem with another train. The train is used in the session named Liskeard to Looe Passenger Run. I can post the kuid of the train here: <kuid2:217537:595:13>
On the display above the window on the front train car, it’s a display with the text “Looe”, and that text appears to be the exact same color (blue) instead of gold/yellow which it should be. I suspect that this is the same problem with <kuid2:171003:1:15> C20 A-B unit and <kuid2:171003:2:15> C20 M-unit.
However, I seem to have the same problem with another train. The train is used in the session named Liskeard to Looe Passenger Run. I can post the kuid of the train here: <kuid2:217537:595:13>
I do not know where you are getting your assets from but I have the latest version of that car, it is <kuid2:217537:595:11> not <kuid2:217537:595:13>. <kuid2:217537:595:13> does not exist on the DLS. <kuid2:217537:595:11> is packaged with the free DLC "Liskeard to Looe, UK" package.

I noticed the same problem with the Swedish C20 units from your earlier post.

On the display above the window on the front train car, it’s a display with the text “Looe”, and that text appears to be the exact same color (blue) instead of gold/yellow which it should be.
It is showing gold/yellow in my versions of the car, the "Liskheard to Looe Passenger Run" session and the "Looe to Liskeard Passenger Run" session.

Apart from the problems with the C20 units pointed out in my earlier post, your colour problems may be the result of changes made to your versions of the cars. I repeat, they do not appear to be the official DLS/DLC versions.

My recommendation - delete your current versions of those cars and download and install those provided on the DLS or the DLC.
I do not know where you are getting your assets from but I have the latest version of that car, it is <kuid2:217537:595:11> not <kuid2:217537:595:13>. <kuid2:217537:595:13> does not exist on the DLS. <kuid2:217537:595:11> is packaged with the free DLC "Liskeard to Looe, UK" package.
In my content manager, <kuid2:217537:595:11> is showing as an <unknown asset>. The Liskeard to Looe route was pre-installed when I got Trainz 2022 Platinum edition. And from there, I got the train as packaged with the route (<kuid2:217537:595:13>).
However, if I List Asset Versions of those <kuid> values I get a long list of assets with nearly all shown as "Newer version available". Two of those in the list are simply shown as "Available for download".

<kuid2:171003:1:10> C20 A-B unit
<kuid2:171003:2:10> C20 M unit
Also, <kuid2:171003:1:10> and <kuid2:171003:2:10> are showing as Available for download, Obsolete. Can I download them although they're Obsolete?
In my content manager, <kuid2:217537:595:11> is showing as an <unknown asset>. The Liskeard to Looe route was pre-installed when I got Trainz 2022 Platinum edition. And from there, I got the train as packaged with the route (<kuid2:217537:595:13>
That makes sense. My copy of <kuid2:217537:595:11> came with the Liskeard to Looe route in Trainz Plus. I also have TRS22PE but have not installed any DLC packages or external 3rd party assets so that it acts as a test bed for my Plus routes. If a route from Plus installs in TRS22PE without any problems then I know it can be safely uploaded to the DLS and will not cause down-loaders any "missing asset" or other problems.

Also, <kuid2:171003:1:10> and <kuid2:171003:2:10> are showing as Available for download, Obsolete. Can I download them although they're Obsolete?

"Obsolete" simply means that you have a later version of that asset already installed. You can download and install any "Obsolete" asset but it will not replace the newer version or versions you already have. The trick is to Disable or Delete the newer version(s), but you cannot Delete a "Packaged" or "Built-in" asset so Disable would be the option in those cases. Then download the Obsolete version by right clicking it in Content Manager and selecting the option "Download this version".

There is a full description of this, and other "tricks", when using Content Manager on the Trainz Wiki at How to Understand Content Manager Status Labels
There is a full description of this, and other "tricks", when using Content Manager on the Trainz Wiki at How to Understand Content Manager Status Labels
Thank you very much :)

Now I have tested to download and use the :10 version of the C20 units (<kuid2:171003:1:10> C20 A-B unit and <kuid2:171003:2:10> C20 M-unit). Unfortunately, the text of the destination is still blue instead of gold/yellow. Is there maybe a setting I need to change to have the text to be the expected color instead of blue?

That makes sense. My copy of <kuid2:217537:595:11> came with the Liskeard to Looe route in Trainz Plus. I also have TRS22PE but have not installed any DLC packages or external 3rd party assets so that it acts as a test bed for my Plus routes. If a route from Plus installs in TRS22PE without any problems then I know it can be safely uploaded to the DLS and will not cause down-loaders any "missing asset" or other problems.
Thanks for that Peter but I have a policy of not installing, using or offering advice on 3rd party assets.
I know and have respect for that you have a policy of not giving advice for third-party assets. Can I do something to make <kuid2:217537:595:11> available in my content manager (CM)?
Is there maybe a setting I need to change to have the text to be the expected color instead of blue?
I do not know the answer to that.

At this point I would do one of the following ...
  1. use the asset with all its issues (i.e. ignore its problems as they are cosmetic and not fatal errors)
  2. find alternative assets without these issues
Life is too short (and even shorter at my age) to be hung up on issues like this. At least the assets work as railcars even if the destination signs have issues.
You can fiddle with the destination sign font color by editing the config.txt for the A&B unit.

<kuid2:171003:1:15> C20 A-B unit

kind "name"
fontsize 0.1
fontcolor 255,215,0
att "a.name0"
name "dest"

Before editing this train, clone it first so you have your own copy to work with, or revert the asset to original if your outcome isn't what you expected.
You can fiddle with the destination sign font color by editing the config.txt for the A&B unit.

<kuid2:171003:1:15> C20 A-B unit

kind "name"
fontsize 0.1
fontcolor 255,215,0
att "a.name0"
name "dest"

Before editing this train, clone it first so you have your own copy to work with, or revert the asset to original if your outcome isn't what you expected.
I've tested editing the config.txt for a cloned asset of <kuid2:171003:1:15>, but when I look in it, it turns out that it already says 255,215,0.

One thing I have noticed, is that when I for example change it to red (255,0,0) it just appears as another tint of blue. But when I change it to green (0,128,0), the destination text is green. And when I try a different tint of yellow, for example 255,186,0 it turns out as the same blue color again as 255,215,0.
This could be a bug or the results of the content creator compensating for the bug back in T:ANE only to have N3V fix it later on.