CMP Problems


New member
:( I just installed Trainz2006 with SP1 on new machine running Vista.
When I click on content manager I get a notice
"Unable to register Trainz URL registry key" (Twice)
I click 'OK' then it goes to CMP and checks for validity and once more the message comes up.
Click 'OK' and I'm in!
Why it do dat?????? and can it be fixed.

:confused: That is problem 1, now problem 2...
I downloaded several assets from the 'Download Station' (I'm registered and have a ticket)
They download but do not show up anywhere?!?

:'( Problem 3... I can't seem to find any of the assets in the Auran file under Trainz2006. Where are they?
Thanks for your help in advance,

1. This may be due to Content Manager Plus (CMP) not connecting to the DLS. Are you connected to the internet and are all your settings in CMP correct - Proxy settings, username and password etc?

2. Can you see the assets in CMP? They may be in the open for edit tab. If so, then select them all, hold CTRL and press M. This will commit them, which is the process that allows them to run in trainz. You then need to open trainz via the button on the CMP taskbar, one button to the left of the ? button.
You can change a setting on the miscellaneous tab of the settings page to make CMP do this for you. It should be a circular dot box (Radio button), that says automatically commit next to it. Make sure that this has a dot in it.

3. The are stored in the Local folder in the TRS2006 folder. However, CMP gives them all coded names. This is the folder, along with two files, assets.tdx and assets.bku (if it exists, in the cache folder) that you need to back up.
Problems 1 and 2 are due to running under Vista. There are plenty of threads here on how to get it going, but basically you have to run all the *.exe files with Administrator rights.

TC1 and TC3 don't have this problem incidentally, they install and run fine under Vista.

Problems 1 and 2 are due to running under Vista. There are plenty of threads here on how to get it going, but basically you have to run all the *.exe files with Administrator rights.

TC1 and TC3 don't have this problem incidentally, they install and run fine under Vista.



Well, we all live and learn...
Once getting past the 'Unable to register...' problem ,that's when things really start falling apart! Quality control on the assets in CMP seems to have been non-existent, and why CMP insists on showing missing dependencies when I can see them right there in the list is beyond me! There's one classic in the class 66 files where the engine sounds file reports the engine spec file as missing and vice versa; of course they are early Trainz version files so apparently CMP ignores them, if you download via FTP from the Download Centre and double-click the .cdp files to install (if that is right!) they turn up in the assets list but still list each other as missing. Although the engine sounds in game play seem to be there.

Why can't some clever software guru write a utility that crawls through the asset list and brings the files up to date - maybe deleting all the assets that aren't supported properly or can't be fixed so that there are no half-finished IDs in the list. Much more useful than adding more features to future TC issues.

Regds, BGIII
CMP Problems (cont)

Okay I have reloaded TRS2006 (antvirus, spyware etc. disabled)
I have installed SP1
I have gone to thee properties of all files in TRS2006 IE:
ContentManager, etc. etc.
I have added -intro=disabled to file 'trainzoptions'
Guess what.....
I get the same damn message "unable to register...etc."
Also I can see all assets in CMP... both in installed and download station.
I downloaded 1 asset it shows up in the local file... but none of the other assets installed do and, it does not show up in 'surveyor'
Also latest drivers are all installed.
I'm going out to buy an achor and tie this game to it..... :confused: (maybe)!
CMP Problems (cont)....

Okay I have reloaded TRS2006 (antvirus, spyware etc. disabled)
I have installed SP1
I have gone to thee properties of all files in TRS2006 IE:
ContentManager, etc. etc.
I have added -intro=disabled to file 'trainzoptions'
Guess what.....
I get the same damn message "unable to register...etc."
Also I can see all assets in CMP... both in installed and download station.
I downloaded 1 asset it shows up in the local file... but none of the other assets installed do and, it does not show up in 'surveyor'
Also latest drivers are all installed.
I'm going out to buy an achor and tie this game to it..... :confused: (maybe)![/quote]
Okay I have reloaded TRS2006 (antvirus, spyware etc. disabled)
I have installed SP1
I have gone to thee properties of all files in TRS2006 IE:
ContentManager, etc. etc.
I have added -intro=disabled to file 'trainzoptions'
Guess what.....
I get the same damn message "unable to register...etc."
Also I can see all assets in CMP... both in installed and download station.
I downloaded 1 asset it shows up in the local file... but none of the other assets installed do and, it does not show up in 'surveyor'
Also latest drivers are all installed.
I'm going out to buy an achor and tie this game to it..... :confused: (maybe)!

I suggest you try what paulhobbs has said, and make sure that the TRS2006 folder (and ALL subfolders and files) are running in adminstrator and Xp mode.
I suggest you try what paulhobbs has said, and make sure that the TRS2006 folder (and ALL subfolders and files) are running in administrator and Xp mode.

This shouldn't be necessary. Just start the shortcut on the desktop using 'run as administrator' and all processes running in that session will have elevated privileges.

Regds, BGIII
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The annoying message in Vista that comes up when you access CMP, Unable to register Trainz URL registry key
Can be circumvented by disabling an the prompt "A Program needs Your Permission to Continue"
Click Start
Click "Control Panel"
Click "User Account Control Panel & Family Safety"
Click "User Accounts"
Click "Turn User Account Control On or Off"
Make sure "User Account Control..." is NOT checked.
It works for me.

:( I not only get that silly pest of a mssage, but also when setting out to edit some paintshed templates as one would normally do in paintshed, open up paintshed it just comes up and sits there and locks up, complete with the normal blue background and one or two of the functions missing, and is totally useless and inoperable...

If I try editing anything in the CMP in content creator plus, I get a message saying that I can't use that either...

for some reason I have ended up with the UK version, though I do live in South Australia, the UK version has the same train on the front of the DVD box but in red instead of the normal blue Australian Version cover... I am wondering if it is a proper UK version or whether someone has pirated it and changed the look of the DVD box cover.. I have gone through two copie of TRS 2006 so far. the first one worked OK but somehow got damaged around the rim of the DVD, but at that time I still had my old computer with XP on it, now I have a new laptop with vista on it, and TRS 2006 installs OK but tends to be very troublesome. I guess I can very well attribute it to incompatibility with Vista...

We must bear in mind that all versioins of TRS so far have all been made for operation under Windows XP, and even though TRS 06 may well run under Vista, there is no specialist version of TRS for vista or anything after XP... Maybe time for TRS 2008.

I am not suprised that people here have experienced problems with TRS 06 under Vista... and I wanted to see if I was the only one or whether there were others out there getting the same problems in CMP,Paintshed and/or Content Creator, when going to edit their assets, change the engine and horn sounds and hitting a brick wall with a message preventing them from doing either...

Skipmil, will that also make Paintshed work properly too?... and Content Creator?... Paintshed just comes up but seizes, and is totally useless. some of the function buttons in paintshed just come up white and are not visible.. and in vista I justs get that silly circle icon whizing around to indicate that 'windows is trying awfully hard to do what I asked it to', that little blue doughut shaped thing that has replaced the timeglass in previous versions of Windows... Paintshop just sits there and does bugger all... hopefully your suggestions will make Painthed get up and do some work... instead of stalling and refusing to do anything
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We must bear in mind that all versioins of TRS so far have all been made for operation under Windows XP, and even though TRS 06 may well run under Vista, there is no specialist version of TRS for vista or anything after XP... Maybe time for TRS 2008.
No we mustn't. TC1 and TC3 are Vista compatible (but there's no PaintShed).

We must bear in mind that all versioins of TRS so far have all been made for operation under Windows XP, and even though TRS 06 may well run under Vista, there is no specialist version of TRS for vista or anything after XP... Maybe time for TRS 2008.

Also, TRS2008 is a European version of TRS2006.
TC 3

Thanks Paul... TC 3, I take it you refer to Trainz Classic.. I have seen it in the Auran Shop... that looks like a good buy that one, with TRS 04 and 06 in it plus a few extras, rather than just getting just TRS... only question is how would I go about getting paintshed?...

There is only one problem with having paintshed... you end up creating so many of your own assets that you end up filling up your hard drive suprisingly rapidly with a whole host of rolling stock, and later find that you have to delete them, get them off your hard drive by saving them as CMP's to bring them back later. same with downloads too, we start with the basic TRS, get paintshed, or start downloading, and before long we've crammed our hard disk full of every bit of rolling stock we thought we wouldn't mind having...

I have been through that phase... and we don't think for one minute how easy it is to be tempted to do that, and then we reach the point where we vow that from here on, we will only create or download the very minimum of things... we know of course that the more we create or download, the more we cram onto our layouts, the more memory we need, and the more our trains are likely to stagger.

I've done all that, and now with the laptop, I will just settle for what is in TRS 2006... There is plenty there, where as the old TRS 2004 there was that desire to get more and more and more... until we pushed our computers right to the brink... and then we realize just how much we have literally crammed into TRS... better get rid of most of this... I only need half of this!... so it gets to be rationalisation time......we ended up with a mess, and it was msuch quicker to delete the lot, reinstall TRS 04, and start again, even with Trainz Obectz on...

TRS is better in that there is plenty on it, and there is not that need for us to create and download heaps and heaps of stuff we many only use a few times....

In hindsight we ask ourselves, How did we ever get so much?... Cripes! I gotta get rid of three quarters of this lot...:eek:

Toshiba Satelite Pro: 2 Gig Ram, 160Gb HDD, Realtek Sound Card, ATI Video Card...
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