
Check open for edit. That's where the cloned assets go and with the name "New Asset" in case you filtered on a specific name initially.
If using TANE, on the launcher window, go to Manage Content > highlight the particular asset you want to clone > then go to 'Content' in the drop down menus> clone is listed there . >Scroll down to it > and click on Clone.
As John says the clone will then appear in Open for Edit with the name New Asset. Cheers
I cloned two sessions made by myself for the original route. Then I cloned the original route (successfully) and then I cloned also those sessions. Of course, I set a map-kuid according to my cloned route. All seems OK in Manage Content, as I wrote, I set proper map-kuid, see cloned sessions there (with a new name), but I don't see them in Select Route > View Sessions. Doesn anybody why? Have I set anything more?
I cloned two sessions made by myself for the original route. Then I cloned the original route (successfully) and then I cloned also those sessions. Of course, I set a map-kuid according to my cloned route. All seems OK in Manage Content, as I wrote, I set proper map-kuid, see cloned sessions there (with a new name), but I don't see them in Select Route > View Sessions. Doesn anybody why? Have I set anything more?

The map-kuid is also in the kuid-table of the session. You need two entries.
The map-kuid is also in the kuid-table of the session. You need two entries.

Well, I didn't know that, because if I'm right, in older version I needed only one entry. But even two entries didn't help--I still don't see cloned sessions under my version of the route...
Cloned session will look the same as the original. The only difference is the session kuid will be given your kuid number.
If you have a session it will show the map-kuid somewhere at the top of the config. This kuid will also appear in the kuid-table at the bottom. Your route kuid must be entered where it is in red in both locations.

kuid <kuid2:661281:100037:5>
kind "profile"
username "The Flying Scotsman - 1920s"
trainz-build 4.3
map-kuid <kuid2:154322:101483:19>
category-class "YP"
category-region "GB;UK"
category-era "1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s;2010s"

174 <kuid2:142268:1:2>
175 <kuid2:142268:3:2>
176 <kuid2:142268:4:2>
177 <kuid2:143205:39207:1>
178 <kuid:149987:58001>
179 <kuid2:149987:58002:1>
180 <kuid2:154322:101483:19>
181 <kuid:165221:1092>
182 <kuid2:169585:28077:1>
183 <kuid2:192081:5:2>
184 <kuid:217096:60158>
185 <kuid:217096:60159>
186 <kuid2:217096:900255:1>
Last edited:
To add to what stagecoach said:

To ensure there are no typos in the map-kuid, use the find-replace function in Notepad or your text editor of choice.
Well, here is an original session of UMR2018 (route by neilsmith749, KUID:95512:100747):

username "UMR 2018 BASE SESSION"
map-kuid <kuid:95512:100747>


0 <kuid2:612368:100027:2>
1 <kuid:95512:100747>

And here is my session which I'm trying to connect with my clone of neilsmith749's route (my clone-route has KUID:108979:100935):

username "UMR 2018 (custom) BASE SESSION"
map-kuid <kuid:108979:100935>


0 <kuid2:612368:100027:2>
1 <kuid:108979:100935>

As you can see, in both cases map-kuid is both in the beginning of the config file and in the row #1 of KUID table. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

To JCitron: I'm using a build-in notepad which opens config file automatically when I use Open > Edit Config File Text (in DLS).
Press CTRL+H

Highlight the text you want to replace.

Type in what you want to replace with.

Click Replace all.

Both instances will be replaced by your new text.
One thing that might be missed is the cloned route. Clone creates a clone with username new asset. Also, cloned assets are in the open for edit folder and need to be committed. What username did you give the cloned route?
JCitron: well, I used Ctrl+H and have made two replaces. But it's a wonder, it works! I don't understand it at all.

stagecoach: yes, I know cloned route gets a username "new asset". I replaced this by "UMR 2018 (custom)".
JCitron: well, I used Ctrl+H and have made two replaces. But it's a wonder, it works! I don't understand it at all.

stagecoach: yes, I know cloned route gets a username "new asset". I replaced this by "UMR 2018 (custom)".

Glad it works. Here's the answer.

There are two references to the map-kuid in a session.

The first is the text reference and is located near the top as part of the tag.

The other required reference is in the referenced kuid-table. The two have to have the same information. Changing just the map-kuid will not update the reference in the session. This is the same with any asset that has external kuids such as a traincar that references bogeys and couplers that are not part of the mesh. These kuids will be listed in the respective sub-containers and locations in the text portion of the config.txt, but they also need to referenced in the kuid-table as well in order to be recognized as part of the asset.