Clock Trigger


Prototype Operations Guru
Is there a rule (and if not can someone write one?) that will trigger events at a certain time?

I am creating the Ft Dodge, Des Moines & Southern, which did a lot of interchange business. I am planning a 24 hour session of actual operations and need to create events that occur at various times of the day.

I can get a train to emit from a portal and drop off cars at the interchange track, but I want it to happen at a certain time of the day and not repeat. I'd also like to emit from portals, foreign road trains that cross at grade (Diamond Crossing) on a time schedule. It seems that the portal commands only allow setting the interval between trains. In the real world, trains are sometimes bunched together followed by long periods of inactivity.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for your help.


I see this rule as having a variable that would create the trigger randomly within X minutes of the specified time (with X=0, the trigger would occur at the exact time designated).
The only way i know of doing this is to set up a blank base board with several portals for emiting trains. These will go to a holding area and then i use the wait until hour and wait until minute for the time the train departs.
Check out my thread on using timetables to see that there is greater functionality available. Use the Central Portal Control, Timecheck and CPC emit train rules to set up portals with consists and then emit them to the layout at specified times.