CityRail - Western Line

If you downloaded the route from the DLS, you can find his information on the DLS its self. Go to the web-based (white pages) DLS - see link above, and search for the route. His username will be clickable and you can then send him a PM. If he's still active, you will most likely receive a message back.

If you want to be bit brave, open the route for edit and view the config.txt file. In there maybe his email address which we hope is still active and you can email him. Once you've viewed the information, (copied hopefully to a text file), close the config.txt and revert the route to original.
i did have it but lost all my CDP's when i had my last HDD Crash lost over 100 GB of data & all the stuff i had for all versions of trainz i've been tring to find evenything again & not getting very far very fast since the dls on the website has been changed i'm looking at getting a new copy of it & i did send him a email listed on the youtube video i found but still no reply back as of yet
If you downloaded the route from the DLS, you can find his information on the DLS its self. Go to the web-based (white pages) DLS - see link above, and search for the route. His username will be clickable and you can then send him a PM. If he's still active, you will most likely receive a message back.

If you want to be bit brave, open the route for edit and view the config.txt file. In there maybe his email address which we hope is still active and you can email him. Once you've viewed the information, (copied hopefully to a text file), close the config.txt and revert the route to original.
The route isn't on the DLS. I emailed him in Early August and he replied in Mid September. I have the route and its kuid is
Western Line Updated,<kuid:-2:1062>
Okay. You necro'd a 7-year-old thread!

A -2:1062 kuid is an unregistered version save and was found in TS12 and below.
I just went to Sydenham on the map and I discovered something. There is no floor! I checked the route on my friends computer and he has a grid there. Does anyone know what happened to mine? I pressed F9 and nothing happens apart from the large block in the background disappearing.