Cincinnati-Lexington DEM not installing


Well-known member
This is from fishlips external site, when I try to install it into CM it says cannot open for reading. Does anyone have this file or is there a way I can contact fishlipsatwork about it, if he can send me a working file? Thanks
Yes, and I tried renaming it. I guess I will contact him about it and see if he has an error free file. It must be corrupted.
Could you send me the route file? (if it's not broken) I'm working on the CNO&TP and I need the Cincy-Dan route.
Depending on the version your OP used, it may have to load into TS2012 first, then into T:ANE next. T:ANE cannot read the older file structure of those DEMs and must be "translated" using TS2012 first.

Could i get a copy to Lol i am late. i live in cincinnati and i would love to make that.
Could i get a copy to Lol i am late. i live in cincinnati and i would love to make that.

Check on the DLS. There's a chance the route was uploaded there. It's been awhile since I've used the old Fishlipsatwork HOG-generated routes. The best DEM routes are those created in TransDEM, which is a third-party program that will create highly accurate routes ready for track laying and building placing on in-place topographic maps and or orthographic images. The resolution can be within a few meters, which is close enough for us, unlike the old TIGER maps on the MicroDEM created DEMs, which can be off by as much as 10 or 20 meters, or more that end up placing railroads in rivers or through hills in the wrong place.
There is a video on YouTube showing how to use TransDem and he shows how to make it add tracks, roads, automatically. I tried it and it works great, but you have to smooth the track in places and yards sometimes needs work but it still is great (that is the video and TransDem are great).
There is a video on YouTube showing how to use TransDem and he shows how to make it add tracks, roads, automatically. I tried it and it works great, but you have to smooth the track in places and yards sometimes needs work but it still is great (that is the video and TransDem are great).
Can you provide a link for that video ?
I guess the file is no longer available then. Does Paul have any way of contact? The problem with wayback is that download links to files might not work. If his original site is gone, and the particular route you're looking for doesn't download from wayback, then your only option is to ask the creator of the DEM if he still has it. If not, then it's TransDEM.