christmas 10 years ago


Learning Like a Boss
i started laying trainz and it was great then and still is today
post what was it like when you first started playing trainz and what it felt like happy great fun meh etc
In the days that followed, our parents would tell us stories of the true meaning of Christmas. Our focus was taken off of receiving gifts and placed on giving to other and putting them before ourselves.

Today, instead of a family outing the day after Thanksgiving for a tree, we now spend it in lines that go on for ever at ungodly hours of the morning just to get the best deal. Even Saint Nick is nothing more to our children then a man in a red suit.

I submit to you that we need to put a little bit of Ozzie & Harriet and Normal Rockwell back into our Christmas season. Don't let the stress of day-to-day life distract you from the magic of the season, and take the time to add some magic and goodwill of your own.
In the days that followed, our parents would tell us stories of the true meaning of Christmas. Our focus was taken off of receiving gifts and placed on giving to other and putting them before ourselves.

Today, instead of a family outing the day after Thanksgiving for a tree, we now spend it in lines that go on for ever at ungodly hours of the morning just to get the best deal. Even Saint Nick is nothing more to our children then a man in a red suit.

I submit to you that we need to put a little bit of Ozzie & Harriet and Normal Rockwell back into our Christmas season. Don't let the stress of day-to-day life distract you from the magic of the season, and take the time to add some magic and goodwill of your own.

Pleas register your program and welcome.

Christmas has become a quiet fare here no longer do we have the family due to attrition and thus we stay home and enjoyed the quiet time.
The magic of Trainz happened upon me in December 2003, about this date actually. I've enjoyed the program more or less since that time and there isn't a day that goes by where I'm either thinking about something I'm working on, or I'm doing something in the program in some form or another.

As they say it's an all consuming hobby!

I don't know about ten years ago but sixty years ago it was very different. Being a ten year old boy, I must admit that the presents were a big part of it, usually a Meccano set upgrade and something for my Triang train set. And going out in the snow to visit friends-and-relations.
Lol! I bought TS06 somewhere that year (2006) and it sat on a shelf for six months before I got bored one day and installed it! My life hasn't been the same since!
I got Trainz Driver: North American Edition (the TRS2006 demo) for Christmas exactly ten years ago, and I was hooked. I got a copy of TRS2006 for my birthday in '07 (after saying "No, I don't already have that one") and the rest is history.

The magic of Trainz happened upon me in December 2003, about this date actually. I've enjoyed the program more or less since that time and there isn't a day that goes by where I'm either thinking about something I'm working on, or I'm doing something in the program in some form or another.

As they say it's an all consuming hobby!


I thought I was the only one that did this. Many times, I'll drop off to sleep at night thinking about some project I'm working on or some problem I've run into while using Trainz. There really aren't many limits to what you can do so it's easy to really get creative. It keeps your mind working which is probably a good thing at my age. I started in Trains a lot later than the rest of you but I've thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
with trainz there is no limit. the limit is your imagination and make the most of it i started playing trainz again last year as i completely forgot and my dad would not have let me get a new pc and go to orpington (where i got trainz 2006 after my dad passed away R.I.P ) before that i played it on my tablet that is why i still love it and even better for my disc drive-less laptop<-lol i got it on steam even like mag said he would dream of future projects/problems i do the projects part and what train im gonna re skin for my fleet of Seolboy Rail trains. there were good and bad times like the time i forgot to ask permission of klambert for re skinning his 377 (pls dont get angry at me) bad times were when my other laptop died. well trainz was the stuff back then and still is thank you n3v/planet auran for making such a great game.
I started playing Trainz on my grandpa's computer many years ago; probably the first video game I've ever played and I loved it. I knew how to drive a steam engine at the age of 3. I loved making routes; even though they were just circles around a really tall mountain! Never left my interest in railroading all these years and I'm just rediscovering the joy of this game in T:ANE now.
For me it was September of 2009, when six year old Karan went to target with his mom and saw a gleaming copy of trs 06 on the shelf.

6 years later (after I had purchased ts12, that was my main version then), I was in a fight with my dad, he storms out of the room we're in, walks over to my room, opens the disk drive if my laptop, and snaps the trs 06 disc in half!

the next day, to show me he was sorry, he bought me TS 10.

I only play TANE now.
Trainz UTC came out in 2002. I hemmed and hawed for a couple of months and finally decided to give it a try. I was completely frustrated with MSTS and the "surveyor" it had (but I still have it installed) and loved UTC immediately. So I guess I've had the Trainz bug for 14 years. My crowning achievement was to contribute to the release of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway for TS2004. It took the lot of us 3 and a half years to create it. That route is available yet, suitably updated for T:ANE on the DLS. Earlier versions were made for TS2006, YS2009, TS2010 and TS2012.

In my experience, no other piece of software has even come close to the longevity of the Trainz franchise except perhaps Word or something like that. I do wish that it would be ported to LINUX, though. That would be really great.
