Changing the viewpoint of the in-cab view


New member
Is there a way to change the position of the viewpoint in the in cab view? When I am driving a train, I would like to be able to manipulate the brakes, the throttle and then reverser and still be able to look out the window for visual feedback.

On many engines, esp diesel, I find that I have to keep fiddling with my view angle to see the control that I want to manipulate. It feels like I would like to be able to step back about 2-3 feet and view everything from there.

I dont know it it works in earlyer versions of Trainz, but in 12 you can 'circulate' between different cab views (if of course the specific engine has the different views build in). Try the left and right bracket keys for that.
Open the folder of the program and look for Trainzoptions. Open it and type -freeintcam Then go to your session, get inside of any loco and play with the arrows to see the way we all like to have when inside of a cab. I think this is the way the game should be configued out of the box.
Open the folder of the program and look for Trainzoptions. Open it and type -freeintcam Then go to your session, get inside of any loco and play with the arrows to see the way we all like to have when inside of a cab. I think this is the way the game should be configued out of the box.

I disagree. I use "-freeintcam" only when I'm configuring a Interior asset to set up my camera views, then I delete it from my Trainzoptions when I'm running session. In the past when I'd use "-freeintcam" in a session, too often I'd hit the arrow key and find myself completely outside the cab and viewing the loco from that perspective and see half of a loco or something crazy that the original interior maker never intended for anyone to see.

You can always use "-freeintcam" to set up additional camera views in your config of the interior.

Just my humble opinion.


I dont know it it works in earlyer versions of Trainz, but in 12 you can 'circulate' between different cab views (if of course the specific engine has the different views build in). Try the left and right bracket keys for that.

Never even knew about that, thanks for the tip. Just tried it and it works great.