changing ends??


New member
can someone tell me if/how you can change ends in a locomotive when using driving controls rather than dcc??
its driving me mad- no pun intended!!
If a loco has two cabs, then to change cabs switch to internal camera, press CTRL/C, and if desired switch to external camera. This will not change control to a different loco.

If a train has a powered rolling stock vehicle (a loco, etc) on each end, then to change control to the other end switch to external camera, select the loco which is to have control either by clicking on it or by pressing the + or - keys on the main keyboard, and if desired switch to internal camera. Don't press CTRL/C unless the selected loco has two cabs and you wish to select the other cab.

AFAIK these operations are the same in DCC and CAB modes.

HTH, John
John, if I remember (& I'll test it later) I've tried CTRL + C, and for TRS2004 it didn't do anything, but it does work in UTC.
Many many apologies, it is ALT/C. I must be getting old :(

CTRL = Control, nearly always used in combination with another key. This key dates back to paper tape and Teletype days.

ALT = Alternate. Can be used in combination with another key, or as a key in its own right, although often as a prefix. For example in many programs ALT F S (three separate key presses) will save a file.

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