CDP Not Working with firefox 3


Trainz Veteran
i'm having some problems with CDP and mozilla firefox 3 with downloading and instaling CDP's can i have help
what is happening is when i click to download via the ftp link it says to browse for the program so i click Content Dispatcher and then it dosen't allow me to extract the file
you have to save the file to your computer, and then open it once it has actually downloaded.

here are some screenshots of the problem

that happens when i'm going to download

and this is what happens after the download
Thats because 'content dispatcher' is the packaging program...

You need to save it to your hard drive, and then double click on the .cdp. It should then open up a 'yes or no' type window. You click yes, then click install on the next window.

I use a "different" technique.

First I download all the cdp's I want/need and place them in a "temp" folder.

Then I open CMP and use the "import CDP" function to import all the freshly downloaded CDP's in one go and have them shown on the main screen. When correctly installed, fixed ( when needed ), dependencies checked and "saving" the content with CTRL+M; I then move the files in the temp folder to the CDP back-up folder on my external HD. Never fails.

NB: While installing I also allocate keywords to the new items for easy access while working I surveyor.
CMP is only part of TRS06 unfortunately.

But the rest of Zwabberaar's instructions work. Just instead of using CMP to import them, you double click on each CDP. This should open content dispatcher's installer window :)
