Can't Load Cars


Canadian National
With this new update messing EVERYTHING up, one can not even load a ballast car any more!!! Is there a way to go back to the other way on loading cars instead of this new way?? This new way is ridiculous

Look for something on the interface for legacy interface or legacy menu, I can't remember off hand what it says but it has legacy in there. This will bring up the old way of managing the commodities, or at least it did before.
one can not even load a ballast car any more!!!
It does work as I was able to load a bulk wagon with coal but a bit of experimenting was required.

With bulk loads, for some reason (at least in the case of the hopper and load that I was testing), the load did not appear in the hopper until after you have saved your changes, started the session and "unpaused". With non-bulk loads on flat wagons (e.g. tractors, timber packs) the load appeared as soon as the green slider reached the minimum level for that wagon and load.
With this new update messing EVERYTHING up, one can not even load a ballast car any more!!! Is there a way to go back to the other way on loading cars instead of this new way?? This new way is ridiculous

Hey W,
What version are you using these days ? Whatever that update is, I'll be sure to avoid it :)
Whatever that update is, I'll be sure to avoid it
A bit extreme (although individual experience may vary). My only "Oh No!" experience was the "Invalid Spline" message when attempting to add track objects to pre-update track. This was very easily fixed by a workaround that has been posted so many times in these forums you would have to read the forums with your eyes closed to miss it.
I was going to submit a bug report but on reflection this behaviour of not loading bulk wagons until the session starts has always been the case with bulk commodities, at least as far back as I can remember. Whenever I started a session in Driver, the bulk wagons would all suddenly fill with their assigned bulk product.
It does work as I was able to load a bulk wagon with coal but a bit of experimenting was required.

With bulk loads, for some reason (at least in the case of the hopper and load that I was testing), the load did not appear in the hopper until after you have saved your changes, started the session and "unpaused". With non-bulk loads on flat wagons (e.g. tractors, timber packs) the load appeared as soon as the green slider reached the minimum level for that wagon and load.
Nope, that did not work for me
Look for something on the interface for legacy interface or legacy menu, I can't remember off hand what it says but it has legacy in there. This will bring up the old way of managing the commodities, or at least it did before.
Where does one find that legacy thing?? Now is this before or after that stupid update that screwed everything up?
Nope, that did not work for me
I do not know what you did or what assets you are using but I just tried it with a hopper wagon loading ballast and it worked exactly as I described.

What are the kuids of the wagon and the ballast you are using?
I have found some cars won't give the legacy menu. Some of the products also don't show up among the list of commodities for the car. Boxcars often have built in General Goods as a commodity, but I cannot get it to load,
A flatcar by Dave Snow for auto frames I was unable to click on and load, but could send it to an industry and it loaded the cars with the auto frames. Before the update this was very easy.
A flatcar by Dave Snow for auto frames I was unable to click on and load
Is this the one you mean? It was the only one I could find that matched your description - posting the kuid would have made that easier.

I loaded it with car parts in Surveyor without any issues.


I have found some cars won't give the legacy menu.
Some of the products also don't show up
Post us the kuids so we can check, confirm and/or diagnose. Vague names do not help.

PS: You will find a detailed description on loading products in consists using Surveyor 2.0 located on the Trainz Wiki at
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That's the car that I was attempting to add the product. I thought it could be edited using the "Display Legacy View" without having to go to surveyor.
Thanks for the help. I found that you need to pick the commodity you want to load first and then show commodity level. Just seems more difficult to do in 2022 than 2019.

Just seems more difficult to do in 2022 than 2019.
Certainly different. The part that I am currently struggling with is configuring the product levels in industries. Some industry assets are easy but others are proving to be "inscrutable".
Some very preliminary results from my investigations using Industry Assets (not rolling stock as per this thread) under the new Trainz Plus/TRS22PE industry user interface (the one with the pretty green coloured bars) and concentrating only on Coal Industry assets that I have installed, are:-
  • Coal Industry Assets with build numbers of 3.7 and above (TS12 SP1 and later) seem to work best in that the asset Edit Details window will give you control over the current product level and the production/consumption levels using the new interface. In general it seems that the higher the build number the better it works with the new interface.
  • Coal Industry Assets with build numbers below 3.7 down to 2.2 (TRS2004 SP2) will give you control over the current product level in the new interface but to alter the production/consumption levels you will have to go into the Legacy View Details Window.
I do not have any Coal Industry assets with a build below 2.2 to test and my list of installed Coal Industry assets is far from exhaustive.