Cannot figure out how to get MY engines into an EXISTING route or session!


Ok, I've not launched Trainz in a LONG time, started with 09, then 12, (others?) and I could swear that they were more intuitive than this one!

I made several engines years ago and have yet to figure out how to get them into an EXISTING route or session! Can I (somehow) open a session and get MY engines into it? OR do I have to start with Surveyor and create my own session?

With the older versions, (if I'm remembering correctly), I was able to get them into an existing route or session without too much difficulty.

What am I missing here? I tried YouTube, other sources but everything is about Surveyor and not what I'm looking for!

I know I can launch Surveyor and get them into a new session of my own, but that is NOT what I'm trying to do. And yes, MY engines are already in the simulator. I can pull them up on the main screen without issue.

ALSO, there does not appear to be a "railyard" anymore! What's with that? OR am I wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.

@tbryson2 - Assuming you're in TRS2019? In your running session, open the edit trainz menu, up top of your screen, pick your engines, tenders etc from the side menu, place on rails, and go.

Choose a Route, Sessions, open QuickDrive and put the engine you want ... and then also you save it whatever you want to call it.
TRS19 does not have Quick Drive. So you just "Create Session and do the same thing. But the OP wants to put them into an existing session, not a new session. So I think Ricomon35 is correct. You actually have to go to edit (surveyor) mode to place the trains down, then go back to driver mode.
Oh yes, yes it has...
Driver/ Surveyor > Select Route > View Sessions > The first option to the left.

After clicking on the route and clicking on view sessions,
Click on the session you want to add your trains to.
Click on Edit session.

You'll see the session load with all the trains in place and the environment set for the time of day in the Session-editing mode of Surveyor.

Click on the consists pullout tab on the right - the one with a wheel icon, and add your trains and complete consists. This hasn't changed since the early days.

Once added, you can now save the session. If this session belongs to someone else, i.e., built-in, DLC, or from the DLS, you'll be prompted to create a new session when saving. I recommend putting in a name that's different than the original.
After clicking on the route and clicking on view sessions,
Click on the session you want to add your trains to.
Click on Edit session.

You'll see the session load with all the trains in place and the environment set for the time of day in the Session-editing mode of Surveyor.

Click on the consists pullout tab on the right - the one with a wheel icon, and add your trains and complete consists. This hasn't changed since the early days.

Once added, you can now save the session. If this session belongs to someone else, i.e., built-in, DLC, or from the DLS, you'll be prompted to create a new session when saving. I recommend putting in a name that's different than the original.

Thanks all, and JC, I can see my engine in the session, (I have to learn what the difference is in a route and session), but cannot drive it. It won't let me become the "Driver". I can hit Ctrl right click, and I get a menu, but nothing works.

Is it possible I cannot drive in this session and locked out? It's a "stock" session I suppose. I need to learn about the interface more and not so much about running the train. Also, how do I know (other than the "download" button) what sessions I can drive MY stuff in? If memory serves me, there are some that are "locked out" and you cannot drive in them. Or am I just eat up with the dumb ass?

Time to break out the book.

Anything you put on the ground or paint with textures, make mountains or rivers... will be a Route.
All the changes you make (route editing) will have to be kept by saving the Route.

As soon as you put a train, it will be a Session.
If you change the train, or add others, and set destinations and schedules, (Session editing) you will have to save the Session, or save it with a new name.