Cannot copy assets without unlocking basemapz layer


Hey all; So this is really strange to me. I have a part of my route that is just blank, and on the board I put items that I am going to use often, in this case a mix of trees that I can copy 'object' and paste on another board. There is no basemapz on this square of board. What I am finding is I cannot copy the trees and paste them onto another part of the route; the new area does not have a basemap either so I am just copying trees to trees layer, but I keep getting a popup saying base layer 'basemapz' has to be unlocked first before I can copy trees to trees, and then it does not copy the trees to trees but trees to basemapz. Why is TRS19 so fascinated with my basemapz layer that it wants it to be unlocked when copying objects and it wants it pasted to that layer?

So to summarize:

empty board in route: copy object "tree" to new empty board that has no basemap, to "tree" layer. Game will not allow, layer basemapz must be unlocked and it will only copy to basemapz layer, ignoring "tree" layer.

All layers except 'tree' are locked and basemapz is locked and hidden.
Chris, you should be able to copy and paste the other assets anyway unless they are on the basemapz layer. To find out, in Surveyor go to the scenery objects and click on the "?" and then get the properties on the asset. You'll then be able to see which layer these assets are on.
Hi John; The trees I wanted to copy were on the 'tree' layer, the basemapz are on the 'basemap' layer which is locked, only the tree layer is unlocked. However, I "MAY" have found the culprit, it appears that a tiny edge of a basemap is sticking onto the blank board, ever so slightly. This could explain why it needs the BM layer unlocked, even though there is no basemap being copied from or to, but it does not explain why it keeps copying the trees from the tree layer to the basemap layer when the tree layer is selected.

Oh well, will just keep swearing at my computer and let the chips fall where they may I guess.
Hi John; The trees I wanted to copy were on the 'tree' layer, the basemapz are on the 'basemap' layer which is locked, only the tree layer is unlocked. However, I "MAY" have found the culprit, it appears that a tiny edge of a basemap is sticking onto the blank board, ever so slightly. This could explain why it needs the BM layer unlocked, even though there is no basemap being copied from or to, but it does not explain why it keeps copying the trees from the tree layer to the basemap layer when the tree layer is selected.

Oh well, will just keep swearing at my computer and let the chips fall where they may I guess.

Swearing at the computer usually helps in situations like this. ;)

I wonder if your paste-area is "touching" the BM object that's sticking out in the area you are pasting in. You could try hiding the BM layer briefly to paste then unhiding it afterwards.
Nope. I did try hiding the layer and I selected two trees and tried pasting them in a far off corner no where near the route but same message; I have no clue what is going on, is it a glitch on my end?, I think so since no one else has reported this problem. Sort of like that "german grass" I couldn't delete no matter what and N3V had to nuke it for me after I sent them the route.

Oh, the 'blank board' mentioned above (post 3) is the blank board I am pasting the asset too, the board I copied from is a board I just stuck to the side of my route to put my often used stuff on, no where near the BMs.
One possibility that comes to mind is which layer is the active layer when you are pasting? This is the layer that is selected (highlighted) in the Layers Tool. Is the locked basemapz layer also the active layer?

That situation normally produces a warning message about the destination layer being locked, but perhaps not.
Thanks for the help but like I said, the "tree" layer was unlocked and that is what was selected, the BM layer was locked and hidden, then just locked but still I could only copy to that empty board with the BM layer unlocked, and even though I had the 'tree' layer selected it would copy to the BM layer. PITA that is.

Anyway, I will just chalk it up to being Trainz and leave it at that.