Saw this video on youtube:
and where astonished by the camera panning and movement, almost as if it flew. Anyone who know how to do this? The whole trainz experiance whould shift dramaticly for me!
#1 Talk to a person called Truemac you could see if he could help you out he makes movies i think theres a way to convert it into Trainz. #2 if you have alot of stuff off DownLoadStation or DLS it might make Trainz lag. #3 #4 If you have a heavy route (Meaning lots of stuff on it.) it also might make Trainz lag. #5 Try backing up all of you stuff on A: a disk B: a safe folder or C: let everything go away EVERYING in the uninstall and then reinstall Trainz and then try a New Route but don't put any thing on it and move you camera around your new route. #6 Also try using Lo-Poly poly is the mesh used and the amount of pixels the mesh has there are some Lo-Poly trains few but some and Lo-Poly objects and track that is Lo-Poly try to hide the grid lines place a back drop to hide it so you don't have to use paint so much. #7 Alot of people use a program called you could smooth it out with that (don't quote me on that) if i did not cover your problem i and very sorry but try these things and it might work for you and have fun with Trainz!!!
alt u means hold the Alt key while pressing the u key. Keyboard commands are listed in the keyboard.txt file of your settings folder. This applies to TRS2004 and TRS2006. You can edit this file to change many of the keyboard commands if you desire to.
The walk command lets you move about at ground level. The fly command behaves like an airplane with the arrow keys controlling movement and the mouse controls heading and climb/dive.
I hope it works. Either way please let everyone know. If you do crack it why not try the other views available, although I much prefer just to use circling, set to about 120 seconds.