Build 126195 Surveyor Mouse Control


Active member
Surveyor Mouse Control is not the same as the older build number 122411.:(
I switched over to the build 126195 and the Surveyor Compass control is way off, hard to move around an object.
Before the patch 126195 is was good.

In the settings interface the Mouse is set to rotate, and the other setting is Compass movement Mouse.
The same settings as in the build 122411, the build 122411 has very much better Mouse control.
Build 126195 has gotten very strange with the Mouse control.

Maybe I need to do a Bug report.
Kind Regards.:)
Hi Steve.
It is not the Mouse itself, it is an issue with that update build 126195.
I can not scroll around an object, and rotate around it, as it goes sideways
Thank You for your reply.
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Update to the Surveyor Mouse control.
I am on my other PC now, and my recent purchased Platinum Version build 123801 is not affected by this issue.
It scrolls around perfectly smooth.

I do have the other same build on this PC also build 126195, and it does have the mouse scrolling Bug.
The Mouse control for this build 126195 is for sure broken with this update.