Bronzebeak images by Firemanflyn

Hi and welcome to the first (and possibly the last) showing of screenshots from a fictitious TS12 route map, simply called 'The Route'.
'The Route' as I have suggested is neither prototypical, or an attempt to create an authentic simulatiuon of any one Rail System and it's infrastructure.
'The Route' (for want of a better name ) could be described as a rendering of the various 2, & 3D, elements found mainly on the 'Trainz Download Station' (DLS). Though attention has been made to create a Train Sim map that closley resembles, the topography, flora & fauna, from one small nation in the Sth Pacific.
However the infrastructure of 'the route' tends to be somewhat more generic than the rendering of the topo, etc.
As such this gives some degree of lee way as to the type of carrier that is or can be represented in 'The Route, and associated screenshots.
Hence the reason that you will find rolling stock and motive power not only representing the Peoples Republic of China ( c/- Ocemy Industries ) as are featured in the first series of images posted in Trainz Forum. But from selected countries/states, were the quality of the particular rolling stock builds is compatible with' The Route'. Obviously and from a purists standpoint it would be comparable to 'chalk and cheese' to run 'Northern hemisphere' mainline rolling stock in a region of the South Pacific, were the track gauge is approximately 12 inches narrower than other Standard Gauge users. However harking back to what has already been mentioned that the layout infrastructure is generic, i.e. the track gauge employed in 'the Route' is Standard Gauge throughout. Perhaps it is best left to the individual viewer to decide for themselves as to what dose or dosn't work.
Also please bear in mind that my aim is not to denigrate or create disparity between my own work and other postings in the category of screenshots. If viewer feedback is positive to the works shown, then all bodes well for future postings, possibly on a weekly, or fortnightly basis. There is a virtual smorgasbord of scenes that along with complementary motive power and rolling stock will make for interesting viewing. However on the other hand if unwarranted criticism is excessive, no further postings will occur on this site, period.
A local passenger service from Southfield Terminus grumbling up the 'Kali' Bank - The Road in the middle ground serves the local Timber Mill and Barlows Box Works
Same train looking East to West - Of note are the smok'n stacks of the Kaliville Power Plant - The Rd in the foreground runs up into a general freight handling yard.

The mutt just wants to play ! - but the dude with ball isn't taking any risks - choosing to wait until 6.30 to Kali rolls on by`
'The '3' in '1' shot '- Our intrepid cameraman has used the framework of a Kilanzion built engine shed to capture this shot of the DF7c and consist.
A Chinese ND5 on point in this particular mouse click - Originally built as GM C36-7's China took 422 of the 599 Dash 7 - 3,600 hp engines that were built in the late 70's
- The waiting passengers are no doubt glad to see the 6.30 to Kaliville glide into the station
-- During the stop over a duo of ND5's is captured from atop a walk-over, The coaly has the right of way en route to the Kali Power Plant with a consist of black diamonds -
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G'day Firemanflyn, TS12 still has a way to go yet and this route looks really great, I for one would love to be able to run it when all is done.
Copy that Gremlin1812 . . . The Fireman would laaaf ya's to have the opportunity of running 'The Route' - Still got many to do things before the deva of Sims smiles a wry smile on such a milestone event. Suggest your best bet for the time being is to settle in for the screenshot tour that's on it's way. Hopefully it wont be to difficult to join the dots, after separate but connected elements of the map have been posted.
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