Bracket signals -Doll Arm?


In my current WIP route I've come across a need for a doll arm on one of my bracket signals. I have been unable to find any on DLS through searches for bracket, brkt (looking through EVERY bracket signal on there!) and doll. Does anyone know if any are available somewhere? Thanks!

FYI in case you don't know and were curious - Doll Arms are used to indicate an unsignaled track between the signal and the track it is intended for.
Doll arms are used anywhere bracket signals are used; they are not specific to an individual signal type. I could probably make one, if I knew what bracket they were intended for, or exactly what what color or texture is desired. Most I've seen are a silver or gray tube, probably about 5 feet high and 6 inches around, with a squat cone-shaped rain deflector on top.
They're not exclusive to brackets, but you're right, that's where they are most commonly seen because brackets are usually used in locations where there would be an extra track between the actual mast and the track it should be controlling (because of the height, without the extra cost of a full bridge back in the day when cantilevers weren't as prevalent).

RR, I'm working on the Buffalo Terminal area, this specific signal is at the Wye between the Belt Line and the Niagara Branch, I'm guessing at one time this bracket controlled both the middle and right lines in the view at the link below, at some point I'm guessing Conrail converted the signal controlling the right line (a connection to a yard about a mile down) to a dwarf at the bottom of the mast. w Doll.jpg

I'm not overly picky. From what I've read they're supposed to be painted a dark blue. If they are illuminated it is supposed to be a single dark blue lamp as well. From the prevalence of unlit ones I can see in pictures I'm guessing this one doesn't have a lamp since it is on a lesser-used line. I'm so not overly picky I'm not extremely concerned if it isn't there, in all honesty. I just asked because I figured if one was available somewhere and I just wasn't finding it it'd be easy to grab. Obviously it isn't something most Trainzers are too worried about.
I am already using a bracket and signals of his for that location and a few others where brackets exist in the area, but I didn't see any doll posts for brackets, so that's what I was looking for. ;)