

New member
Hello everyone. I have had TRS2006 for a while now and it's great. Though I have had a question I've been wanting to ask.

Is a board the area that surveyor gives you when you start a new route?

If so, then to connect one board to another in one session would you use the portal?

And if this is the case, could you drive your train through the portal, into the other board, and continue on your way?

If all of these are yes, then alright I think I'm set, but if I'm wrong please feel free to correct. :)

You can do what you sugest, using portals, but you would have to create each "base" board or group of boards as seperate layouts and then merge them without actually attaching them to each other. I have done this in my current project.
Most likely you will want to just expand your layout to more than one base board as mentioned by Moojgoo.