Blow that HORN Engineer!!


Crabby Old Geezer
Seems like there was a thread about this in the "OLD" forum, but I can't remember if it was even possible. But I'll ask again. I run about a dozen consists on my "Southern Coal" route and would like my A.I engineers to blow the horn as the train nears a crossing. Is there a way to set this up?

Thanks for everyone's help.
try this

try looking under magandy on the DLS he has a number of whistle signes that make the horn/whistle sound.

I thort that there used to be a whistle rule but cant find it on DLS other wise put in a marker and tell the driver to drive to the marker and then use the horns command.

hope this helps.

If you're running 2006 there's a item in the Trackside Catagory that you place on the track and the whistle blows. I think it's called Horn Sound.
Hi Davesnow

Been here done that! Give this a try:

AutoHornz Invisible, kuid:200726:24033

just place it like a trackmark facing the direction you want the train to blow it's horn at. Works like a charm (for '04). You can then add whistle post objects to the track if you'd like or just leave it to your trusty engineers memories to know where to blow the horn. ;)

Keep in mind, this will only blow the horn once, so it will never sound prototypical unless the horn file itself is set to the 2 long, 1 short, 1 long toot. Still, it's better than nothing! :)

Hope this helps!


Gisa ^^
Keep in mind, this will only blow the horn once, so it will never sound prototypical unless the horn file itself is set to the 2 long, 1 short, 1 long toot. Still, it's better than nothing! :)

One could presumably replace the wav file of a horn with one of the proper length.

Good point, good point!

However, I am a bit fussy in terms of the horn sound I like. I like being able to use one of my favourites and blow it for as long as I wish. Plus, having unique horns is like having unique cars, need I say more? :D

Still as a workaround, I could make say, AI trains use an engine with a good *full* crossing horn sound and use it to head up the train...

Regardless of what I say, I do believe that the autohornz command is awesome, dare I say a necessity and I totally recommend it for anyone wanting this effect.

Sorry for the nonsensical's late over here. ;)


Gisa ^^
Thanks for all these comments and advice. I have a couple of CN (Canadian National) Dash 9's that has a "built-in" horn that automatically sounds the 2 long, 1 short, 1 long whenever you press the "H" key. Maybe I can find that kuid and use it. HMMMmmmm..... I'll try that when I get home.
Hi all, I've just downloaded this item off the DLS and placed it on a track, but it didn't work when I ran a locomotive over it, both backwards and forwards. I am using TRS2006, although it was created for 04. Do I need to adjust the config.txt for the layout I want to use this on do you know please ?? Or will it not work in 06..:'(

Thankz and cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Hi all, I've just downloaded this item off the DLS and placed it on a track, but it didn't work when I ran a locomotive over it, both backwards and forwards. I am using TRS2006, although it was created for 04. Do I need to adjust the config.txt for the layout I want to use this on do you know please ?? Or will it not work in 06..:'(

Thankz and cheerz. ex-railwayman.

Did you try with the AI driving? Things like that usually require you to.
Success, success, it works perfectly in AI, now all I have to do is add this to all of my current 35 operational layouts, so I'll see you at Christmas. :hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
I don't know how it works elsewhere, but on ICG's tracks, there's a small white sign ("W") prior to reaching the crossing. Distance from the crossing is determined by the speed limit. I'd be surprised if this hadn't been coded by someone.
AN IDEA!!!!!

Hey everyone.... I just had an idea! The AUTOHORN only makes the train blow one short TOOT. What if someone made a HORN SPLINE... You could lay it on a length of track and the horn would sound for however long the spline was. This way, you could lay two-long-one-short-one-long for the appropriate whistle/horn you needed!!! Isn't this a good idea? Now, WHO can make one?!?!?!?!?!?!?:p
it would probably be easier to make 2 T-side objects, one that triggered a short blast and one that triggered a longer one. these could be invisible in driver even.

auto horn sounding

do a search in CMP for "W Whistle" there are about three of them from memory, they definetely work (only when the train is running automatically, they dont do anythig if your in controlk yourself I dont think. youll find them under the same column you find all your trackside items. all you have to do is position one at eaither side of your crossing or bridge or tunnel or wherever. and when the train approaches it itll sound the whistle / horn.. also works when train is running backwards.
do a search in CMP for "W Whistle" there are about three of them from memory, they definetely work (only when the train is running automatically, they dont do anythig if your in controlk yourself I dont think. youll find them under the same column you find all your trackside items. all you have to do is position one at eaither side of your crossing or bridge or tunnel or wherever. and when the train approaches it itll sound the whistle / horn.. also works when train is running backwards.

Will this be one continuous horn, or just a short "TOOT" like the Autohorn? (I'm at work and I can't DLoad it and try it out today.)
Perhaps in a future version of trainz, they might integrate two horn keys: one for crossings and one for an emergency/a friendly toot. That would probably be the easiest solution as it would just require an extra command in the kuid file and an extra .wav file in the folder. :D

Or perhaps for diesels, there could be some way of making it so that when you pressed the pantograph key (useless for diesels right?) that it would do a crossing horn blow sound. :)

What do you guys think about this idea?


Gisa ^^