Bit of a strange request - FTPE/FGW Dynamic logo

Hello all :)

I have recently been attempting to reskin a few things into a First Transpennine Express/First Great Western livery. These include a couple of Mk2 carriages to match marky7890 and tmz06003's fantastic reskin of the FGW 57, along with WEN's class 477 which I am currently waiting approval of.

My trouble is, does anyone have or know where I can find a good image of that Dynamic swirl at the end of each FGW/FTPE carriage? (seen here)

Or, could someone possibly take a photo of the swirl side on for me, but including some of the standard part where the colours straighten out and run horizontally down the train? As I live in Manchester, you'd think I'd be able to get a good photo but sadly I only own a camera phone, and I don't think it will give the desired effect.

I hope someone can help. It doesn't matter if it's the FGW or FTPE version because they're very similar :)

Regards, Jack
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Hi Jack,

This might help you, the First Great Western Logo and neon dynamic lines...

FGW Logo CR.gif

Hope the above helps

Joe Airtime
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