Beta Testers Needed


Trainz Carpenter
I am currently working on a freeware route with some very dedicated and experienced Trainzers. Although the route is far from complete we would like to engage a couple of beta testers to examine those areas which are basically complete concurrent with remaining construction. This process will help speed up the final release date.

The beta testing required will not be nearly as rigorous as that required by Auran; however, it does require the promise not to release any information to the public unless given specific permission by the project group. Also, acceptance as a beta tester will be by the group and not by me personally.

We are primarily looking for individuals using TRS2004.

If you are interested please provide your email address, name, username, Trainz version, and computer specs (at least processor, graphics card and memory) via a private message to me or email me at jfweaver2005 AT

I did receive it and responded with a request for some additional information. This was sent to the email address you provided. It was not returned to me so I assumed you got it. Have you checked email? Let me know and please make additional replies, queries, etc. to my email if you can.


YIKES! My fault CasyJ. Tried spelling verizon without an "i". Have corrected the error and resent the email.
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I did receive it and responded with a request for some additional information. This was sent to the email address you provided. It was not returned to me so I assumed you got it. Have you checked email? Let me know and please make additional replies, queries, etc. to my email if you can.


YIKES! My fault CasyJ. Tried spelling verizon without an "i". Have corrected the error and resent the email.

Got it, and sent reply. Thanks, Jim.
I've not received the reply CasyJ. Perhaps you'd better try sending it again.


Yes, you did. Quote your reply:
Thanks Dave

Jim (not James)

"David A. Seiver" <> wrote:
Hello, James!



I'll send it again.

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Did you ever have "one of those days?" This is one of mine. I only have them on weekdays and weekends. The rest of the time I''m fine! :hehe:

Jim, please may I ask a question....

There are some of us who probably don't know what a beta tester does, and subsequently, think it inappropriate to respond to your plea. Can you enlighten us a little of what the job entails please....

Thank you.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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I'm in the same boat as ex-railwayman. What would be required and would we have to search the dls for dependencies?

I use 2006 but have 2004 installed and was thinking of downloading a route for 04 so this may fit in perfectly for me.

Soon as I see see a response to the above questions I'll send you my specs.
In this instance beta testing means looking very closely at virtrual creations for Trainz whether they be rolling stock, structures, or entire routes. The object is to have fresh eyes look over the work, pinpoint errors and problems, and report those items and their location to the creators for correction by them. The beta testers never make any changes themselves, only report changes that should be made. Sometimes the work may be divided up among testers with each person responsible for particular things. This means that beta testing can be time-consuming, tedious and boring. It can also be a great experience.

Note that in this instance, similar to the Auran Non Disclosure Agreement, the beta testers must agree not to reveal anything about the creations or the creative team without specific permission from same.

If I may add, the Beta testers will also be running the layout on a variety of computer systems with different configurations, operating systems and hardware, which will give the development team a broad base of research experience in order to optimize the software for multi-system compatablility.
Thank you Jim and CasyJ for your responses, may I ask one last thing please...:hehe: The routes and rolling stock are they for standard guage, or narrow guage or trams, etc. My playing experience is sadly lacking in Tram and narrow guage routes and rolling stock I'm afraid, would this work against me, or will just having a fresh pair of beady eyes be enough to satisfy the credentials ??

Thankz again...


I think I would be breaking the group "confidentiality" policy to answer your inital question. The type of route and/or rolling stock, etc. shouild not make a difference. If you are only interested in one particular style of route I would suggest not volunteering.


You latest post is totally irrelevant for this thread as it is not "software" that we are developing.

Thank you Jim, sorry, I didn't think about the confidentiality aspect, I was in too much haste to post a response, but you have enlightened me nonetheless....

Thank you Sir....

Cheerz. Ex.


You latest post is totally irrelevant for this thread as it is not "software" that we are developing.


Perhaps that was too specific. Generally, your route is software, like any computer program, and as we are well aware, different layouts and routes are composed of meshes and textures which may run smoothly on some computer hardware but not on others depending on their complexity, which is why I implied that it is best tested on a variety of systems.