Bell Function in Driver What is it used for?


New member
The Bell function . Letter "B" on keyboard. in Driver. What is it's purpose ?as it is not explained in instruction manual as when it would be used.

It's mainly for use with steam locomotives, especially old-tymers in the USA. Purely a cosmetic sound effect AFAIK, but a very nice one.

To my knowledge, bell must be on at all the times in urban areas atleast in USA and Canada - signal for pedestrains I guess..
I think trolleys (trams) ring the bell before leaving the stations.
They might also wring the bell, but that makes a different sound.:D

:cool: Claude
In some railyards in US the bell had to be ringing when a locomotive was moving in engine yards and near round houses. Also used at crossings and when arriving and leaving stations.
In the U.S. the rules vary some between companies. In general, the locomotive bell must sound when there is movement around passenger platforms (arrival/departure,) through grade (road) crossings and around hazardous areas of yards where there may workers. A good example of this is when a train passes a roadside work crew... at minimum speed, and with the bell sounding.

In Trainz, the bell (like the horn and the alerter) serves no functional purpose other than to provide die-hards another feature to distract your attention from actually driving the train. I'm one of those die-hards... and we call it "prototypical operation;" it makes the game more realistic and fun for us.



The time of use and where the bell is used is a variety of different things. Usually when a passenger train backs up or approaches a station the bell is on, as when it is in an arean where people could be near the tracks